Dr. Sakshi Chaudhary

Dr. Sakshi Chaudhary

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Dr sakshi Chaudhary is a dedicated Homoeopathic Physician with a strong academic background, having completed a BHMS and MD in psychiatry. From the beginning of her medical journey. She has been deeply passionate about psychology , which aligns seamlessly with the principles of homoeopathy that focus on understanding the individual's psychological state . With a keen interest in human behaviour and intricate workings of mind her work emphasize the profound connection between mental and physical health . Beyond clinical prctice, Dr sakshi Chaudhary is a writer who uses this platform to shed the light on various aspects of human behaviour. Through her insights, she aim to inspire a deeper understanding of psychology and it's impact on everday life.


Why Knowledge is not enough for Success

Today, knowledge is a tool not a guarantee of success. We have been hearing this for so many years that “knowledge is power”,

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Passive-Aggressive Behaviour: Identifying, Causes, and How to Deal with it

Passive-aggressive behaviour is the way out or we can say a coping mechanism for our actions. When you feel angry, irritated, or have other

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Psychology behind Self-Esteem

We all have inner feelings of who we are, often called ourselves. How we evaluate ourselves is called self-esteem. It reflects our feelings, our

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Jealousy and Envy: Difference of feelings 

Human psychology and emotions encompass a vast spectrum, with jealousy and envy two different but frequently misinterpreted emotions. Emotions play an important role in

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Dependent Personality Disorder

At some point in our lives, especially during childhood, we all experience being completely dependent on someone else, even as adults. We continue

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Self Help

Optimism Bias: Why We Ignore Risks and Overestimate Success

Optimism bias refers to a cognitive phenomenon where people think bad things are less likely to happen to them and good things are

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How to practice Random act of Kindness? 

Being nice to someone is an effortless way of enhancing the world. An act of kindness is when a person does something good

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The Art of Temporal Self-Appraisal

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, millions of people around the world celebrate the arrival the of new year. Firecracker lights up

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