Harsha Baid

Harsha Baid

Student, Completed B.A Hons. Psychology, Pursuing M.A Psychology at Delhi University, North Campus
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
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My name is Harsha Baid. I am a first year master’s degree student in Psychology at Delhi University (DU). My experience of academically being associated with Psychology has been very enriching. I have always wanted to help people from all walks of life. I love to engage myself in a multitude of creative acts such as dancing, drawing and writing. I am interested in the stories of each and every human being and their own unique experiences of dealing with life.


    Real self and Virtual Self

    With the advent of technology, we do possess a virtual self. The bigger question remains Is there a discrepancy between

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    Self Help

    Self-love and being selfish

    A lot of people today focus on the concept of Self-love and social media is flooded with ways in which

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    Parental Neglect and its effects on Children

    Parental Neglect is an extremely serious concept as the consequences it carries are and can be very damaging such as

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    Awareness Parenting

    Miscarriage and its psychological implications

    Miscarriage as an experience can have immense psychological impact on women who have gone through it. The response displayed by

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    Online dating and its Psychological Implications

    Internet in today’s world is serving a lot of functions and the most striking being nurturing relationships.  Therefore, we can

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    Divorce and its psychological Impact

    Divorce can take a heavy psychological toll on the children experiencing it. And it’s very important to see it from

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    Vulnerability in Close relationships

    It is important to examine relationships because social relationships are a very significant part of human life. It’s a bidirectional

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    Awareness Health

    Family Resilience and Covid-19

    Family Resilience and COVID-19 Resilience is the ability to bounce back from stressful situations or adversity. But, often resilience is

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    Domestic violence and its far-reaching impact and influence

    Whether talked about or not, domestic violence is prevalent in a lot of households. In some households, it may manifest

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