Well Being for the Future Generation

Well Being for the Future Generation

A little before a boy or girl enters into this distinct phase of life called ‘Teenage’ Or ‘Adolescence’ the view that generally prevails is one of , possibilities of personal distress, a time of emotional chaos & a lot more. The prevalence of issues in adolescence seems to be exaggerated, when teenagers begin their search for “SELF” and a said amount of decision-making skills to sustain the pressure of time. The world that the present generation of Teenagers live in is a more competitive place, the age of information in volumes on any and every subject.

While science has taught growing children in the most appropriate time of late childhood period, that, our human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment , why do several ( a large population) teenagers have difficulties in making successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body and mind?

Today, it is very important to educate teens about psychological wellness. Both parents and teens must be aware of the challenges that mental hygiene can pose. The role of a psychologist, a wellness expert becomes primary as mental hygiene of adolescents is related both to individual and contextual factors in their lives.

Research documentations, clinical journals have always indicated the prevalence of a very large cluster of issues seen among the present day teenagers. Parents work very hard in every family given their resources, to care for their children and bring about the best of their abilities as they enter teenage. In working towards building a repertoire of habits in their teenager’s they must understand any habit is directly related to one’s comfort and wellbeing. Habits can be created when teenagers are able to adapt the process of blending into the social structure with awareness of emotional stability.

Guidance and counseling today is not only when the going gets tough. To contribute to a brighter future the present generation of teenagers will benefit from professional support to achieve better mental hygiene and enhance their wellness.

In every family there are positive attempts made to adapt to technological advancement, the need to belong to the changing times but there has to be better focus and more support to work towards Psychological wellness. It is time to take the required step and make it possible for teenagers to experience personal brilliance coming from Psychological wellness.


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