University of madras recruitments 2020

University of madras recruitments 2020

Applications are invited for candidates for the post of psychologist on a temporary basis in the DST-CSIR funded project entitled “Epigenetics of cognition as a biomarker for early psychosis”, principal investigator: Prof. A. K Munirajan, Professor and Head, Department of Genetics.

Number of post-1

Qualifications- Masters in Psychology/M.Phil Clinical Psychology

Age limit: 30 Years

Responsibility: The role involves the recruitments of patients, maintaining case records, improving the mental illness of patients and improving their wellbeing. The clinical psychologist achieve it through a wide variety of psychological assessments and cognitive involvements. Role may also include improvement of treatment plans concerning to psychological inventions and management of plans.

Skills: Excellent communications and counseling skills and proficiency in English and Tamil.

Emoluments: Rs. 20,000/per month + 24% HRA 

Last date: March 6 2020

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