The Psychology behind Surprises

The Psychology behind Surprises


We all have become surprised in our lives and many of us like surprises. There are many instances where we have faced this emotion. Remember when you were working hard for the exam and many attempts passed, but, you did not get any results and, one day you scored more than you expected. It is very natural that you were surprised when you received such an unexpected thing. We use surprise words on a daily basis, but what is surprise? It is a feeling of astonishment caused by something unexpected. Our body also goes into a state of dilemma when the brain receives such news.

However, this emotion carries a range from mild to intense amazement. Physical reactions include raised eyebrows and wide eyes. Moreover, verbal reactions like wow! Oh my god! In addition, by using such words, we are showing our reaction toward any unexpected event. However, the range of surprises also varies as some events can give you happiness and others can give you fear if that unexpected event is a threat to us. Physiological changes like increased heart rate, breathing, and release of adrenaline are some of the common reactions when encountering such emotions.

The Science behind Surprises

Brain Response:

There has been increased activity inside the amygdala. The amygdala is positioned within the temporal lobes, a small almond-formed structure. Its fundamental characteristic is the regulation of feelings and has an important effect on our emotions like worry, anxiety, and so forth.
Another essential function of this structure is to locate any damage inside the surroundings and initiate the stress response. Moreover, it releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which are answerable for the fight and flight response.

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However, while we are facing conditions like public speaking or giving a verbal check in which there is no sign of any danger, the amygdala continues to be activated. Individuals can face elevated coronary heart rate, and sweating. Although those responses occur in small doses, they can be useful for us when the amygdala becomes hyperactive, it can have unfavorable results on the person’s intellectual well-being.

The release of dopamine is one of the methods by way of which the amygdala hobby can be affected. This “experience, proper” hormone has an enormous position inside the awards and pride facilities of the brain. Moreover, this hormone consists of the law of motivation and the choice-making process. Another important characteristic that takes place when the amygdala is activated, is the release of dopamine using sending a sign to the mind praise device.

As a result, A pleasurable feeling can be generated and behaviors that are associated with the activation of the amygdala can be reinforced by this. Apart from the rewards and pleasures caused by this hormone, dopamine also makes it easy for us to remember the surprise clearly, which makes it more memorable for us.

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Evolutionary Purpose:

To understand the science behind surprise, let’s have a look at the early days of human evolution. We are all aware of the fact that our ancestors lived in unpredictable environments because the technology was not that much advanced. Therefore, they were always on the alert mode to detect any danger. To survive with such an ability to detect and respond is very crucial. Surprise enabled them to shift their focus from routine activities to unexpected events, which could be potential hazards or opportunities. The presence of the fight and flight response prepares our body to either face it or flee away from it.

It passed down to several generations, which is why it is still present in our modern brains. However, the topic of surprise is not limited to threats and harms it also provides novelty and stimulation. Whenever we face any unfamiliar situation, our brains release the neurotransmitter i.e. dopamine, and surprise triggers this release which gives them the feeling of excitement.
This thing becomes evident in our behavior also.

For example, if we take a certain route to our work daily, we might not see the buildings and shops and other things carefully, but when we encounter any new shop, we will pay attention to it, and become intact in our memory. This is how our brain remembers this novel experience, which is important for survival.

Types of Surprises

Positive surprises:

Everyone loves positive surprises and welcomes them. It brings the feeling of joy and excitement among people. A common example of this positive surprise is when you receive some unexpected gifts that make you happy. These surprises can also uplift our mood. For example, whenever we hear any good news we feel delight and joy. This news could be anything like clearing an exam, getting a promotion, etc. Moreover, it also helps to boost one’s motivation. Good news brings a sense of gratitude to us. It does not matter how big or small the good news is, people appreciate it and bring positivity into one’s life.

Negative Surprise:

However, surprises are not always positive. One such example is the presence of jump scares in horror movies or games. Jumpscares in horror games are designed in such a way that creates a sudden burst of fear and shock, which makes the whole atmosphere scary with the help of loud sounds. Moreover, jumpscare in movies is used to create a scary environment without making any build-up in the story. Over the years, films have overused this concept leaving people to predict the whole plot of the movie. Furthermore, jumpscare can become the reason for anxiety and other psychological conditions.

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Neutral Surprise:

Neutral surprises have no either positive or negative impact on people’s lives. These surprises come in various forms like plot twists in stories or some unexpected events. In entertainment, plot twists are quite common, and one of the ways to keep the audience engaged. These unexpected turns challenge our understanding and make us rethink the assumptions we made about the characters and plot.

In real life also, unexpected events cause the feeling of neutral surprise. It can be anything like a sudden change in trip plans or meeting someone you have not expected.

In conclusion, Surprise is a powerful emotion that triggers the neurological and emotional responses in our brains. It also activates the brain areas which are related to the reward system and pleasures. Surprise is an emotion that can bring about a variety of intense physical and emotional reactions, making it a truly powerful and captivating sensation.



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