The Psychology Behind Insecurity
Self Help

The Psychology Behind Insecurity

insecure person

Do you remember the ultimate time you attended a celebration and noticed a person who seemed lovelier than you did? Suddenly, you begin doubting your very own look and feeling insecure. We have all been there – insecure about our looks, our personality, our social reputation, or even our relationships. Insecurity includes a lack of self-assurance that may have large personal, emotional, and social effects. It can make us feel uncertain and wonder about our very own well-being. This can regularly cause low stages of self-assurance and a loss of self-assurance with the intention to show in our actions.

In this text, we are capable of delving into the psychology at the back of lack of confidence and recognizing its roots.

The Roots of Insecurity

There is not any single cause for insecurity. It can arise from various reasons along with childhood reports, societal pressures, and personal insecurities.

Childhood Experiences:

Often, our early relationships and stories from our feelings of self may contribute to feelings of insecurity. Additionally, Society has a tremendous effect on our perceptions of ourselves. It leads to the person being confused, which further makes it tough for them to form relationships with others, and cannot manage their emotions effectively. If there is a lack of security of attachment the child may find it difficult to trust others, safe feeling in their environment. Another factor could be the over-critical parents. This criticism can demoralize the children and the child may feel that whatever they are doing is not good, and they cannot make their parents proud. As a result, they will feel worthless. Lastly, this criticism can create a fear of failure in people and they will avoid any risks in their life.

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Social And Cultural Factors:

Our environment also plays a significant role in the causes of insecurity. If individuals live in a competitive environment, then they may feel inadequate. Cultures where people think that materialistic things and possession of something can help to uplift your status in society, and when people are not able to meet these expectations then they may feel insecure and self worthlessness. Gender roles and discrimination are other causes of social and cultural factors. Because in our society, there are some unsaid roles and sets of expectations for genders. Boys and girls have to behave in a certain way. However, when they don’t meet these expectations or not being able to meet their gender role standard, then the feeling of insecurity comes into the picture.

Apart from these gender roles, discrimination also causes insecurity. When a person is discriminated against they may feel that they are not good enough or not worthy of value and start feeling inferior to others. Competition and social comparison are very common causes of developing insecurity. As when there is constant competition people may feel that they’re not enough and start feeling a lack of motivation. Comparing your success with others will eventually make you feel less successful than others. then the feeling of doubt will arise leading to a sense of insecurity in the person’s behaviors.

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Personality Trait

Personality traits can also cause insecurity in an individual. Being a perfectionist in every task can be harmful to them because whenever they can’t do a task with the set of expectations they’ve put on this can make this individual feel worthless. This way they won’t be able to see their own good side and always compare themselves with others. Not only are they being perfectionist, but also sensitive to criticisms can also cause insecurity. Another personality trait is that they are very sensitive to criticism. This sensitivity of criticism can cause insecurity and people can see themselves in a very negative manner. Whenever these people get criticisms about their work, they take it personally and feel like people are attacking them. All this leads them to become insecure, low self-esteem.

Impact Of Insecurity:

Insecurity can have a long-lasting effect on the individual’s physical and mental health. As it can make people feel anxiety, fear and stress. Whenever individuals feel insecure, they think too much about the future like what will happen in the future. It includes physical symptoms as well like sweating, not being able to concentrate, and racing heartbeat. Sometimes this insecurity can go to such an extent that people always see the possible threats and damages around them. Lastly, all this will lead to psychological conditions in individuals like stress, anxiety, and depression.

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Difficulty With Relationships:

Insecurity could be the root cause of the ending of many relationships. Whenever this insecurity happens, the person cannot trust their partner fully. They believe that they are not good enough for themselves or any lesser than others. Moreover, people start feeling jealous, and possessiveness and it leads to arguments, fights, and a lack of communication between the two parties. The person becomes too dependent on their partner and creates an unhealthy relationship between them.

Dependence On Others Validation

Insecurity develops when a person is not confident in their skin and this leads them to ask for others validation. They cannot trust their own actions and hence constant validation from others. They always ask others, whether they’re making the right decision or not, or what others will think about them. This will make them not take any opportunity because of the risks it may have and the fear of failing or rejection is always with them. Their life will not be theirs anymore. This ultimately leads to insecurity among them. Lack of confidence and difficulty in making decisions and interacting with others are some of the symptoms a person can experience when this confidence is low.

Finally, insecurity is a common human experience but once it begins to affect your personal, and social relationships, it can have a negative impact on an individual’s physical and psychological well-being. The fear of failure can make you miss out on many opportunities that could change your future. This issue can be resolved by practicing self-care and trying to engage in activities that enhance your confidence and build positive growth.


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