Search Results for : addiction

Social Media Addiction

Being on Social Media platforms has become normal and helps individuals to define their “social status”. Individuals post snaps of their day-to-day life to cater to others’ attention and showcase their posh lifestyle. People use these platforms to validate their

Awareness Health Research Social

A look upon games being an addiction

Behavioural addiction / process addiction/ natural reward refers to different mental health conditions in which a person engages in a particular behaviour repeatedly; even if the behaviour causes them harm—it may seem as if they simply cannot resist engaging in

Awareness Health Research

Warning signs: Internet addiction disorder

Isn’t it strange that with the rise in technological innovations, there is also a rise in addiction towards it? Does that make it counter productive? I’m sure that is going to be a long debate. In today’s article we are


Is Social Media Addiction Real?

We can say that social media is a modern version of the old primitive human need –to be and stay connected.But, from hunter-gatherers we turned into data-gatherers. No wonder our bodies and brains are suffering so much. Men isolating them


Is love an addiction

Recently came out a much talked movie, and after watching it, one question surely popped, ‘Can you be addicted to a person like drugs? Is this love or is love an addiction’, I felt that movie was an example of


Video Game Addiction: Children and Adolescents

In earlier days, we often used to think of addiction being only related to smoking, alcohol or illegal drugs. These were labelled as substance-related addictions. More recently, different types of addictions are seen in children and among adolescents: the internet,



The Case of T: Mom and Dad were surprised when their usually hassle –free 21-year-old son T., who had come home for a month from hostel to prepare for his 5th semester engineering exams announced a day before his return


SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION Vulnerability, early symptoms and self management

After this, identify the activities or hobbies which have been the source of entertainment, were pleasurable in the past and connect to the real-time social groups in which you can actively participate. List out all your friends whom you can


Effect of Video Game Addiction

Mr. B and his wife came along with his son Mr. R, aged 14yrs, a student of 11th std with the chief complaints that their son had been playing video games on the mobile phone and getting adamant, irritated, tensed,


Dating app addiction induces techie to seek help from NIMHANS

People often use apps as coping mechanism to deal with boredom or seek thrill which eventually becomes a recurrent activity with loss of control over lifestyle and disturbance at work, in accord with this a case was witnessed in which