Online applications are invited for the post of Clinical Psychologist in AIIMS, Patna on Direct Recruitment Basis. Application fee will be paid through online portal available on their site. A printout copy of application form along with the supporting documents should be sent to the postal address and bring them at the time of interview also.
AGE LIMIT: 35 Years (relaxation will be as per the norms mentioned in the advertisement).
NO. OF POSTS: 01(UR) (One Leg (OL) category will be more suitable for this post).
ELIGIBILITY: M. Phil (Clinical Psychologist) or its equivalent from a recognized University.
Master’s Degree in Psychology with Experimental Psychology as one of the subjects with a Diploma in Medical (Clinical) and Social Psychology of recognized Institution/University.
A Ph.D. degree in Clinical Psychology of any recognized University.
EXPERIENCE NEEDED: 1 Year experience of teaching Psychology in recognized teaching institution is desirable.
• Group A, Level- 10 in Pay Matrix (Rs. 56,100- 1,77,500).
• Rs. 15,600-39,100 with GP 54,00/- (Pre-revised).
• POSTAL ADDRESS: Recruitment Cell, AIIMS Patna, Phulwarisharif, Patna- 801507.
APPLICATION FEE: Rs.1,500 (for UR/OBC), Rs.1,200(SC/ST) and exempted for the ex-serviceman and PwD Candidates.
LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: 3rd February, 2020 (till 5.00 p.m.)
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