The Polyvagal Theory, created by Dr. Stephen Porges, distinguishes 3 stages of evolution within the development of the mammalian autonomic nervous system. The theory gives a framework for understanding how our autonomic nervous system, impacts our psychological and behavioral experiences, particularly in reaction to stress and security.
2 Branches of the Autonomic Nervous System
The ANS controls unconscious bodily capacities and has two primary branches: The sympathetic nervous system, which enacts the fight or flight reaction, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which enacts the rest and digest reaction. According to Polyvagal Theory, the parasympathetic system has two branches, with the more up-to-date branch, called the ventral vagal complex, activating a social engagement system.
Connecting with the Vagus Nerve
The autonomic nervous system helps control imperative frameworks within the body, counting our heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and digestion. The autonomic nervous system relies on a nerve that’s tremendously critical to our general well-being: the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve within the body, extending from the brain stem all the way down to the stomach. It is regularly referred to as the mind-body association. The vagus nerve sends and gets data between the brain and body, helping us react to changes in our inside and outside environment.
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Vagal Connection to Social Engagement:
Polyvagal Theory clarifies the association between the vagus nerve and feelings of security. Connected by the vagus nerve, the state of our autonomic nervous system can impact how we feel, think, and carry on. This connection is clarified by Stephen Porges, Ph.D., whose Polyvagal Theory is broadly acknowledged as a neurobehavioral scientific breakthrough and has revolutionized our understanding of the body’s reaction to stress and trauma.
By learning to better direct our nervous system, we can alter how we react to life’s challenges, how we experience and engage in therapy, and how we connect to the world around us and others in it.
Three developmental stages of Reaction:
The Polyvagal theory proposes that the autonomic nervous system has been created over three stages, each speaking to a distinctive versatile reaction to seen danger.
The Immobilization System:
The oldest system is the immobilization framework, which may be a rudimentary component for pretending passing in reaction to a risk. When activated, this framework moderates heart rate and blood pressure, limits development, and actuates a misfortune of awareness. This reaction is versatile for reptiles, but people can lead to a feeling of being caught and powerless.
The Mobilisation System:
As species advanced, they created a mobilization system to support fight-or-flight practices. This system increments heart rate and blood weight, tense muscles, and centers consideration outward to find dangers. Whereas versatile in crises, visit actuation of this framework can lead to hyper watchfulness and uneasiness.
The Social Engagement System:
The foremost evolved system is the social engagement system. Supporting connections create it from birth. When working legitimately, this system advances holding, calmness, and development by abating heart rate, bringing down blood weight, and centering consideration on social signals. Brokenness in this framework is connected to the challenges of shaping connections and directing feelings.
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The Organizing Principles of Polyvagal Theory:
Dr. Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory has revolutionized the way we see the body’s reaction to stress, considering the autonomic nervous system (ANS) the foundation of our lived experience.

Initially, we see the body’s response to stress as binary: we’re either in a sympathetic or parasympathetic state. Polyvagal Theory, be that as it may, appears that there are numerous and mixed states of arousal in response to genuine or perceived stress. In less complex terms, Polyvagal Theory makes a difference us understanding how we engage or connect with the world.
Rule #1 Hierarchy:
The Polyvagal principle of hierarchy, imagined as the autonomic stepping stool by Deb, Dana (2018), clarifies the distinctive physiological states that the vagus nerve can lead us to, depending on prompts of security or peril in our environment:
Ventral Vagal State:
The ventral vagal state, also known as the “rest and digest” state, is associated with a sense of security and connectedness. In this state, the vagus nerve is ideally working, empowering prosocial behavior and healthy emotional control. People can viably adapt to stress, connect with others, and engage in inventive problem-solving.
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Sympathetic State:
When threatened, the body enters the sympathetic state, characterized by activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This “fight or flight” state prioritizes survival over social engagement. Physiological excitement increments, cognition contracts, and people end up hyper-vigilant and irritable. Even though adaptive undermines circumstances, frequent sympathetic activation can be taxing over time and contribute to well-being issues like high blood pressure or anxiety disorders.
Dorsal Vagal State:
Within the dorsal vagal state, the body is overwhelmed and fundamentally “shuts down” as a defense mechanism. This hypo-aroused state, referred to as “feigning death”, makes individuals inert and limited. They fight to relate with others, control emotions, or think adaptably. Deferred time in this state has inconvenient impacts on physical and mental well-being.
Rule #2 Neuroception:
Neural circuits are a bunch of neurons interconnected by synapses. The group’s primary role is to execute particular functions, but as it were when activated. Neuroception, coined by Dr. Porges, is how neural circuits in our ANS subconsciously choose through our senses in each minute whether an individual or circumstance is secure, unsafe, or a risk — without involving the thinking part of our brain. Neuroception tunes into three streams of input: interior (the body), exterior (the environment), and between (others’ nervous systems).
Rule #3 Co-regulation:
As people, we long to be associated with others: it’s a natural imperative that we are born with that develops and endures all through our lifetime. This third principle depicts how our nervous system looks for and needs others with whom we feel secure enough to associate and with whom we are able to make supportive and protective relationships.
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Polyvagal Theory offers a system for working with our nervous system to arrange for and help us create security associations with other people. This in turn helps create a more grounded personal foundation for self-regulation and wellbeing.

Co-regulation starts with the shared experience between a developing child and its mother. Before birth, the baby listens to its mother’s voice, which becomes a sound of security. As an infant, it pairs the voice with a parent’s grinning face, and afterward, a little child can look to them to discover regulation (after falling, for example).
How the Autonomic Nervous System Reacts to Stress:
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) acts as the body’s stress response system. The ANS has two branches: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The SNS actuates the body’s fight or flight reaction to is seen dangers, whereas PNS actuates the body’s rest and digestion reaction amid times of security.
The Sympathetic Nervous System Response:
When a person sees stress, the SNS is enacted. The SNS fortifies the adrenal glands to discharge adrenaline and cortisol, expanding the heart rate and blood pressure. This comes about in expanded alertness and energy levels. Non-essential body functions like digestion and reproduction are inhibited.
The Parasympathetic Nervous System Reaction:
Once an unpleasant occasion has passed, the PNS works to calm the body by diminishing the heart rate and blood pressure, allowing the digestive system and other non-essential functions to continue. The PNS is responsible for bringing the body back to a state of balance after a stressful encounter.
An Imbalance within the ANS:
Chronic or long-term actuation of SNS in reaction to continuous stress can lead to an imbalance within the ANS, which may have negative health results. An overabundance of cortisol from long-term stress exposure can suppress the immune system and increase disease risk. Practicing relaxation strategies like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing may offer assistance move the ANS balance back to a more beneficial state.
What is Polyvagal Therapy?
Polyvagal therapy (PVT) is a helpful strategy created by Dr. Stephen Porges that bridges neuroscience and psychology. It centers on the vagus nerve and it’s a vital part in regulating our reactions to stress. PVT focuses on mediations to regulate and optimize the distinctive pathways within the nervous system, which makes a difference in people and creates resilience, a sense of security, and connection.

Incorporating a polyvagal viewpoint into clinical practice explicitly recognizes the integral part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in treatment. This approach underpins clients in reconfiguring their nervous systems, improving their regulatory capacities, and building up pathways for autonomic connection and security.
Dr. Stephen Porges recommends that indeed in challenging circumstances, mind-body strategies, such as deep breathing, posture alteration, and vocalization, can direct people to a state of mental and physical calmness, security, and tranquillity.
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How Has Polyvagal Theory Informed Therapy?
Our knowledge of trauma, the mind-body connection, and emotional regulation has all been expanded by polyvagal theory, which has influenced treatment. It has progressed therapeutic results by advertising focused on interventions, making trauma-informed care environments, and empowering clients to take an active part in their healing journey. Therapists are progressively consolidating this theory into their practices, upgrading their capacity to support clients in accomplishing mental and emotional well-being.
In summary
The polyvagal theory provides a new perspective on how our nervous system responds to stress and social engagement. By understanding the vagus nerve’s role in regulating physiological states, we gain insight into the mind-body connection. While more research is needed, Polyvagal theory represents an important advancement in understanding human behavior and reactions.
The theory has already influenced psychotherapy and trauma treatment approaches aiming to help clients feel safe, seen, and socially connected. As Polyvagal theory continues to evolve, its implications for mental and physical health treatment will likely grow. This innovative theory reminds us how closely intertwined our nervous system and emotions truly are.
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