Search Results for : Trauma
Education Health

Are children prepared to cope with COVID-19

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to multiply in India and worldwide, one thing is clear, that the current situation proved to have a profound impact not only on the physical health and economic condition but also on psychological



“The purpose of psychotherapy is to set people free”. Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. It can help eliminate or control troubling symptoms so a person

Awareness Parenting

Miscarriage and its psychological implications

Miscarriage as an experience can have immense psychological impact on women who have gone through it. The response displayed by each and every woman tends to be varied. A miscarriage affects women at many levels such as it robs her

Self Help

Anger Inoculation

Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, or the right purpose, and in a right way- it is not easy: Aristotle Let’s face it,


Coping with dissociative identity disorder

How is it really like to live with dissociative personality disorders. Mr A[1] says, “It frustrates me when people try to tell me my alters aren’t real. Even if they’re just trying to make me feel better, I end up


Dissociative Identity Disorder in Children

Reena was 6 years old the first time she came to therapy. Her father and stepmother thought she should see a therapist because Reena had recently begun complaining about nightmares and severe body pain (with no physical injury) and had


Is cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) effective for the treatment of Dissociative identity disorder(DID)???

Dissociative identity disorder is a mental disease that involves disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity, and perception”. DSM-5 has defines DID as “a disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states or an experience of possession

Awareness Social

Psychological Aspect of COVID 19 Outbreak

Today the whole world is fighting a battle against a small bug, which is the Coronavirus. Although the Outbreak started in the Wuhan of China, it was, later on, declared as a Pandemic by the World Health Organization. According to


CoVID-19: Causes of Chaos

‘To the rest of the world, you don’t know what’s coming’, These are the words of an Italian citizen Jason Yanowitz. Jason in his tweet threads has listed six stages of the pandemic which engulfed Italy. His tweet has been


Grief And Anxiety In Times Of Covid-19

Where we are right now is a waiting room of some kind…with the lockdown and isolation that we are going through in the wake of the COVID-19, we are experiencing the loss of an old life, however, we are not