Search Results for : Trauma

Sexual abuse, types and related disorders

There are and have been some acts that inflict a disturbing level of mental and physical trauma but their comprehension goes beyond that. There has been categorization established by the society and norms related to those things have also been


Unemployment in the times of corona-virus: The psychology of job loss

I  was sitting and pondering upon how this global pandemic is going to impact us all in different ways given the present circumstances and just then I got the call from one of my closest friend saying I lost my

Awareness Education Health

Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety

Tips to manage Stress and Anxiety   A healthy body and mind are worth a million dollars. Keep fit, move as much as you can, and get the most of your life. One needs to take good care of oneself


Critical Analysis of Self-Care Through Self-Compassion by Dr. Susannah C. Coaston (2017)

Link for Critical Analysis of Research Article   Burnout of mental healthcare professionals- for being exposed to painful situations, traumatic circumstances, and overwhelming emotions painful situations over a period of time- has been one of the major concerns and area

Awareness Health

Social Anxiety Disorder

There are certain instances in life which bring about a major personality change in a person. These instances can make a person anxious especially in social situations or in interaction with people. It is this feeling of extreme anxiety in

Awareness Education Health

The Truth about Cannabis

The Truth About Cannabis Cannabis, marijuana, ganja, weed, hash, CBD are some of the terms that we have been hearing in media for quite some time now. Well, we all know that they are drugs but do you know that

Awareness Health

Embracing Relationship During Lockdown

Embracing Relationships During Lockdown Amidst the news regarding the pandemic, which according to could be a significant cause of the ‘social ‘and ‘economic’ recession, an issue that I have been thinking about is how not to tank our relationships while

Awareness Education Health Relationship

Verbal Abuse: Why it isn’t a big deal in India?

Verbal Abuse: Why it isn’t a big deal in India?   “The scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal.” – Astrid Alauda “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words they’ll destroy me.”  –   Cassandra Giovanni

Awareness Education Health


 CONVERSION THERAPY   A Past and Present Perspective     Homosexuality. Bisexuality. Transsexuality. Intersexuality. Asexuality. Pansexuality. Skoliosexuality.   These sexual orientations are asynchronous to the conjectures of the society and hence were abhorred and regarded as diseases, illnesses, and disorders

Parenting Relationship


Drawing the line between a parent’s discipline of their child and child abuse will depend greatly on the state where the family lives. There are some state’s rules which allow a parent greater latitude in disciplining their child while other