Search Results for : syndrome

Munchausen Syndrome: The Art of Self-Inflicted Illness

Munchausen syndrome is a psychological condition where one pretends to be ill or produces any kind of symptoms of any kind of illness just to seek attention and sympathy from people. An individual with this symptom will tend to lie

Motivation News

Model Having Down Syndrome Ramp Walks on London’s Fashion Week

One of the very rare individuals with a Down syndrome diagnosis to walk in an international fashion event is Beth Matthews, 23, from Swansea.A person with Down syndrome or trisomy 21 possesses an extra chromosome or portion of a chromosome,

Self Help

Imposter Syndrome and Ways to Cope With It  

There are several ups and downs in our life that might make us question our capabilities, qualities as well as strengths and weaknesses, whether in the matter of academics, career, or anything important in our lives, but when you have


What is Savant Syndrome? Types, and link with some mental disorders

The word savant means an individual who has an extraordinary aptitude in a particular field and is distinguished among others, despite having impairment in social functioning or intellectual functioning. This aptitude can be in fields like music, mathematics, etc. Savant

News Positive

The Drops of Love: A Couple with Down Syndrome Got Married

This Monsoon, weddings are the flavor of the season! With the drizzling rain, heart-touching news of a couple with Down syndrome getting married came in. A wedding is a special time for each couple, and to make it more special,


Let’s Understand the Mystery of Foreign Accent Syndrome

Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) is an interesting and intriguing occurrence in the field of neurolinguistics. This uncommon illness has captured the attention of researchers, doctors, and the general public because it results in a sudden, unexplained change in a person’s


Understanding Paris Syndrome: Does it actually exist?

Paris is a country we all adore but what if Paris don’t match your expectations?? It is fine to experience this. Paris Syndrome In contrast to their idealised expectations of the city, people who visit Paris, France, often experience tremendous


Peter Pan syndrome- A child trapped in an adult’s body

Growing up as children, we yearned for independence, but as adults, we realize how challenging being a grown-up can be. It can be difficult dealing with the stresses of adult life, from meeting deadlines to paying bills. It may be

Awareness News

Barbie has released its first doll with Down syndrome

In response to demands for more diversity and representation in toys, Mattel, the maker of the popular Barbie doll, has released a new version of the doll with Down syndrome. Let’s understand what it looks like! The National Down Syndrome


Celebrity Worship Syndrome

Are you a Fan or Obsessed!!! All of us in childhood had one celebrity we idolized too but when this becomes an obsession we call it Celebrity Worship Syndrome. It is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder in which a person