Search Results for : mental health
Awareness Crime Health

TRAUMA : How it affects our Mind?

Questions which cross our mind when we talk about Trauma involve, What is Trauma? What can a traumatic event do to the victim? How does it affect the victim’s life? What are its symptoms? And how to recover from it?

Awareness Self Help

How to move beyond our struggles?

In the wake of George Floyd, I respectfully compose this article.  The intent of my article is not to debate or facilitate hate or discrimination.  I write this article from a place of genuine concern and with a heavy heart. 

Motivation Self Help

Why is it important to take risks?

NELSON MANDELA once said” There is no passion to be found playing small and settling for life, that’s less than the one you are capable of living.” So, the question arises that why should one settle for something? As the

Awareness Positive Therapy


NELSON MANDELA once said” There is no passion to be found playing small and settling for life, that’s less than the one you are capable of living.” So, the question arises that why should one settle for something? As the

Awareness Education

How does Adversity Quotient define ones Ability to Endure?

People often judge an individual with regard to his or her intellectual capacity and cognitive abilities. We are misguided by the assumption that someone’s success is determined by their smartness. Intelligence is indeed an integral part of excellence. But success

Awareness Positive Self Help

Take a break Homemakers! We are proud of you. Relax.

Homemaker, this a term is generally used for the member of the family who stays home and gives life to it by supporting and taking care of it. The term is generally used for females who are housewives and mothers


Looking through the eyes of a kidnapper

There might have been a case or we might have heard about an incident that would have shaken us, instilled some sense of fear in your parents or in you, without even being closely associated with that incident. Kidnapping is

Parenting Relationship

Why Mothers need to build a Strong Relationship with their Children?

Mothers hold a special place in a child’s life. It’s no coincidence that the child’s life circles around his/her mother as she is the one constant figure the child has seen throughout their lives. Raising a child by no means


Are Serial Killers born or are they made?

Till date it is possible that we might have heard about a few people and cases that might have impacted us, made us think and question and we could feel chills running down through our spines when we first heard

Crime Research

Oh Criminal! What you do think?

There is always this strange question that keeps running in our minds – Why can’t we live in a world with no crime at all? Or why does anyone chooses to become a criminal in the first place? There are