Search Results for : mental health

Memory Loss and Its Impact on People

Do you find it difficult to recall things? Some people lose track of names they have recently learned or where they left the keys. Is forgetting normal or is there really something to be concerned about? Imagine your mind as

Life Style

Psychology Behind Motivation

Motivation is what drives and aligns people towards a common goal. That is, motivation involves goal-directed behaviour. It is the driving force behind human behaviour. We are not all born motivated. Without motivation, you will not be able to achieve

Life Style

Fashion Psychology: Dress for the job you want

How Clothing and Fashion Choices Affect Self-Perception and Confidence Dressing up in a saree for a farewell, putting on your best ethnic outfits for festivals, donning formals for a job interview, or sporting the merch of your favourite TV show,

Life Style

The Psychology of First Impressions

What does the cover say about the book? In a world dominated by quick interactions and rapid judgements on the basis of them, first impressions are everything. First impression is a Psychological term referring to the mental image formed by


Let’s Explore the Power of Silence

In our modern society, stillness has become a precious and sometimes overlooked commodity. We live in a connected world, where the realm of technology, social media, and the rush and bustle of diurnal life may drown out the subtle yet


The Psychology Behind Lucid Dreaming

In the world of art, entertainment, politics, and science, sometimes certain topics become myths, delusions, or taboos due to a lack of proper clarification. Clarity is necessary for any object to be deemed as real. Science needs facts, and imagination


Relationships and substance abuse

According to WHO, substance abuse thus can be explained as ‘the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.’ Substance abuse can also be explained as when someone uses alcohol, drugs, and other legal substances in

Awareness Research

The Psychology of Toxic Leaders

toxicity appears as the side effect of a leader’s desperate attempt to camouflage his inadequacy. There is no fixed definition for “toxic leadership”. In his conceptual framework, Jean Lipman defines toxic leadership as “ a process in which leaders, by

Self Help

The Art of Being Comfortable

We all look for comfort, safety and security in everything that we do. Our families, relationships, work, health, everything is meant to give us a sense of comfort and security. We begin from the bare minimum requirements and slowly begin

Self Help

Ride your waves, My friend

I have always admired beaches because of my love for the sea and beautiful sunsets. If you’ve walked on a beach bare feet, leaving foot imprints and enjoying the touch and go of the waves; as you look at the