Search Results for : positive psychology

The Neuroscience and Psychology Behind Overgeneralization

Overgeneralization is a cognitive distortion in which one deduces very broad generalizations based on a single incident or very little evidence. For example, a student failing one examination can conclude, “I always fail at everything.” Generalizing can be considered a

Industrial Life Style

The Connection Between Public Relations  and Psychology 

In the arena of a world led by digital technologies and social influence, authenticity stands as a fundamental tool of effective public relations (PR). A prominent example of this is the legendary Indian cricket player MS Dhoni’s approach to PR,

Awareness Self Help

10 Signs That You Are A Perfectionist, According to Psychology

Perfectionism is often viewed as something that is overwhelming or something that needs to be changed. While this may be true to some extent, perfectionism can also be a gift. It can be described as a personality trait that motivates


Projection as a Defense Mechanism in Psychology

Can you think of a moment when a person accused you of doing something you never actually did, yet it feels as if he or she is indeed the real culprit for the said act? Or would you relate to

Life Style

The Psychology of Thirst Traps: Why People Seek Attention Online

Social media has changed how people present themselves to the world ever since it came into the picture, and thirst traps are among the many phenomena this technology has produced. It has also become one of the most relevant ways


The Psychology Behind “You Become What You Think”

Our thoughts, whether dominated by love, hate or even if it’s a mix of complex emotions, act as the building blocks of our identity. This is not just some philosophical postulation; a plethora of psychological theories and neuroscientific facts back

Awareness Education

How Duolingo Used Psychology to Make Learning Addictive 

In the present day world which is becoming increasingly globalized, acquiring new languages has become an asset both personality-wise and job-wise. The conventional way of acquiring language is often considered boring as well as very time-consuming, not having higher retention


Understanding The Psychology Behind Crime

Crime has been present since time immemorial, upsetting social establishments and pushing the frontiers of morality. What makes a person commit a crime? Is the act done by choice? Or does something innate in the person cause it? Perhaps a

Awareness Entertain

The Psychology of Stand-up Comedy

A day without laughter is a day wasted You might have heard of this famous quote by Charlie Chaplin, the legendary comedian. But did you know how important it is for us to burst into peals of laughter now and


Positive vs. Negative Peace: Psychological Insights for Harmony

Peace psychology has defined what peace is, normally segmented into two broad approaches: positive peace and negative peace. Johan Galtung, the founder of Peace Studies, first introduced this division to help people better understand how communities approach war and maintain