Search Results for : thought

Sustainable relationships require boundaries

“Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices” –Gerard Manley Hopkins A relationship tends to be fruitful only when it contributes to the growth of a better self. For relationships to survive, specific


PUBG and its effects

The most popular game amongst the youth is……..?? “PUBG”!!! The online world has exploded into battle royal madness, with the launch of a huge game called “Player Unknowns Battleground” (PUBG). It is developed and published by PUBG Cooperation, a subsidiary


The Corporate World Today

Well-disciplined, immaculate, stylish, time bound, go-getters and achievers- such is the structure and foundation of any corporate. All this and more sums up to be a culture all by itself. Nothing wrong with this, in fact it is best for


I am trying

Every day, every night is the unsung war of my fight  But am trying hoping that everything will be alright  Am not coward, am not weak, I don’t want to die Am trying and these cuts are the proof of


Power of Therapeutic use of Gratitude

We have been trained to look at the negativity around us; problems in others, our lives or ourselves; at our limitations and our unfulfilled desires. This problem orientation makes us sad and vulnerable. This may have had some purpose when

Self Help

Meditation: A tool to our real self

The fast-paced times that we live in come with their own set of demands making us wrought with stress. External stimuli bombards the senses, be it outside our homes or inside it. Today even our minds are not spared, all

Self Help

Detoxification of Mental Health

Everyone strives to live a pleasurable life, a life with no worries, no stresses, no headaches etc. and dreams to live it blissfully. But as one gets older and enters his/her adulthood, the stress and anxieties begin to emerge and


Mind-Body Connection

Mind and body are not only connected but are inseparably one. Our minds consist of our beliefs, thoughts, emotions/feelings, etc.; which are invisible. We know they are there because we experience them. In contrast, our bodies consist of tissues, blood,


Do you know 7 Career Mistakes?

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”But there’s a bummer out there “How do you find what you love?” One of the research study conducted in U.S stated 91% of


Depression in Teens

Caretakers of Ms A, 13-year-old girl visited a psychologist reporting the chief complaints of the girl being self-harming, sad, unhappy, isolated, and inexpressive most of the time of the day over a period of time. After having a few counselling