Search Results for : phobia

LGBT Inclusion in Organization

On 6 September 2018, the Supreme Court scrapped a colonial-era ban and ruled that Section 377 is unconstitutional as it infringed on the fundamental rights of autonomy, intimacy and identity, thus legalising homosexuality in India. The majority of organizations showed


Adler’s perspective of personality

The first person to talk about community life in the field of psychology or the first person to speak about feminism or the first person who conceptualise Socratic dialogue method or the first to promote the positive practice of child


Psychology of Failure life

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal .It is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill We are still beginners in our journey of life when it comes to success and failure. Success is something you feel excited


The Third Largest Mental Health Care Problem: Social Anxiety

Are you very self-conscious in every day social situations? Are very afraid of being embarrassed in front of other people? Are you extremely afraid of being judged by others? Do you avoid meeting new people? Find it scary and difficult