Search Results for : positive psychology

How Festivals Improve Our Mental Health

Fairs and festivals abound throughout India. Our country is a place of variety, and diverse people from various religions dwell here, thus several festivals are held on a yearly basis. Festivals in India provide individuals with more than just a


Hodophile: A Person who Loves to Travel

Don’t we all deserve some time away from the hustle and bustle of life? It is a fact that travelling by car, plane, or sail to unexpected areas not only enriches your life but also makes you healthier in both


The Benefits of Happy Family for Your Mental Health

In this hustle and rushed modern lifestyle, it is quite easy to get busy and confused to look at the simple things in life. Our families are an important part of our lives. Not only in terms of relationships, but

Self Help

How Labels Can Impact Your Confidence?

In our daily lives, we label numerous things, including food, clothing, and even individuals. People are labelled depending on a variety of social and biological characteristics. Labels are set on by societal norms or rules, and informally by interactions between


OPACAROPHILE: Do you love to Watch the Sunset?  

Sunsets can have a particular place in one’s heart because of the beauty they contain. Sunset is a reminder that, just as light shines through the clouds, all of our difficulties may be alleviated. Also, as the sun sets and


Think Pink Like Barbie: Barbiecore and Its Impact on Mental Health

Barbiecore, a fad inspired by the popular Barbie doll, has swept the internet by storm, especially with the news of a new Barbie film set to release in July 2023. The aesthetic promotes self-expression and body positivity by embracing traditionally


Are You Losing Your Identity in a Race of Fame?

Even though you might be embarrassed to say it to your friends or anybody you know, you secretly want to be famous too. Everyone wants fame—most people just won’t admit it. Who wouldn’t want to get fame, be rich, and

Self Help

ALEXITHYMIA: When You are Not Sure What You Feel

The inability to express, explain, or differentiate between one’s feelings was described as such by the APA Dictionary of Psychology. It is a psychological feature that affects millions of individuals, and the easiest way to describe it in layman’s terms

News Technology

How “Threads” Obtains 1 Million Followers In Less Than An Hour?

“The correlation of relatedness”, in less than an hour, the Twitter competitor app “Threads” obtains 1 million followers.Let me explain. We always favor choosing items that are linked to one another. People that use Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp in this

Self Help

Setting up Reminders Can Reduce Our Cognitive Load

We all know setting up reminders is a great way to reduce cognitive load and free up our brain capacity for other important tasks and thoughts. As brains have a limited space for processing information and remembering everything we need