NIMHANS is Inviting Applications for the Various Posts of Junior Research Fellow

NIMHANS is Inviting Applications for the Various Posts of Junior Research Fellow


The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) is a multidisciplinary institution that conducts patient treatment and research. It is the foremost center for neuroscience and mental health education in the nation. In 2012, they awarded NIMHANS the designation of “Institute of National Importance”. NIMHANS is seeking qualified applicants, for the various posts of “Junior Research Fellow”, which are available on a contract basis. The project is named the “Centre for Brain and Mind (CBM)”. The project’s principal investigator is Dr. Y.C. Janardhan Reddy, professor and head of the Department of Psychiatry at NIMHANS.

The project CBM or Centre for Brain and Mind project is an innovative new scientific endeavor through the partnership of NIMHANS and the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), which is funded by the Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies (RNP). CBM will conduct cutting-edge research in the field of human mental illness with the intention of developing new and improved techniques for the clinical diagnosis and management of mental illness in people.

1. Application for Junior Research Fellow (Neuroimaging – ADBS Data Centre):

No. of post: 3

Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Neuropsychology

Age Limit: 40 years

Emoluments: Rs.40,000/- (Consolidated) Per Month

Duration: 1year

Experience Required:

Knowledge of MRI data analysis as demonstrated by experience working on MRI-related projects or by publications of articles.

Employers will prefer the following qualifications:

  1. Previous experience performing activities like image reconstruction, segmentation, registration, and other types of data manipulation and analysis falls under the category of hands-on image processing and/or signal processing experience.
  2. Knowledge of programming in MATLAB, R, Python, or any other language.
  3. Understanding of bash scripting and Unix systems.
  4. A thorough awareness of data management and storage procedures, as well as checks and adjustments for data quality.
  5. Basic statistical knowledge.
  6. A strong commitment to academia, creative problem-solving, and a love of learning are requirements that must be met with a commitment of at least three years, ideally toward pursuing a Ph.D.
  7. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

Click here to apply

2. Application for Junior Research Fellow (Centre for Brain Mapping):

No. of post: 1

Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Neuropsychology

Age Limit: 40 years

Emoluments: Rs.40,000/- (Consolidated) Per Month

Duration: 1year

Experience Required:

Knowledge of EEG data analysis as demonstrated by experience working on MRI/EEG projects with documentation of such experience

Employers will prefer the following qualifications:

  1. Prior practical expertise in signal processing, picture processing, and/or post-processing of EEG. This involves removing artifacts from raw EEG data, using the necessary filtering techniques, segmenting the data according to the experimental conditions, doing spectrum and time-frequency analysis, and creating topographic maps or other data visualizations.
  2. Knowledge of programming in MATLAB, R, Python, or any other language.
  3. Understanding of bash scripting and Unix systems.
  4. Basic statistical knowledge.
  5. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  6. For the preparation and interpretation of data, proficiency with a variety of EEG software packages like EEGLAB is essential.

Click here to apply

3. Application for Junior Research Fellow (Psychophysics):

No. of post: 1

Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Neuropsychology

Age Limit: 40 years

Emoluments: Rs.40,000/- (Consolidated) Per Month

Duration: 1year

Experience Required:

EEG, fNIRS, eye tracking, or neurocognition data analysis experience with human participants, as demonstrated by written documentation.

Employers will prefer the following qualifications:

  1. Previous practical experience with signal processing or image processing.
  2. Knowledge of post-processing for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). The ability to manage preprocessing procedures like motion artifact correction and physiological noise reduction (such as cardiac and respiratory cycles) is required for this.
  3. Expertise in the processing and analysis of eye movement tracking data, including the detection of saccades and fixations, the creation of heat maps, and statistical analysis of eye movement patterns.
  4. Knowledge of programming in MATLAB, R, Python, or any other language.
  5. Understanding of bash scripting and Unix systems.
  6. Be familiar with the software programs frequently used in the processing of fNIRS and eye movement data.
  7. A fundamental knowledge of statistics and the use of statistical techniques for signal analysis.
  8. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

Click here to Apply.

Instructions for Applying Candidates:

  • We request candidates to fill out all fields. Please enter “Not Applicable” in the field if a question is applicable.
  • A question marked with a * denotes that it is necessary.
  • We won’t consider applications that are in any manner incomplete.
  • Candidates must submit their Curriculum Vitae (CV) in PDF format, with a maximum file size of 5MB. Qualification information should be included in the CV that is attached, together with the photo, name, and contact information of at least two professional references.
  • Please DO NOT send any diplomas, letters of recommendation, or other paperwork.
  • For the purpose of final selection, shortlisted candidates will participate in an in-person interview, the specifics of which will be announced through email.
  • Late applications won’t be taken into consideration.
Note for Applying Candidates:
  • Last Date to Apply: 22 September 2023
  • Appointments are contractually binding for a year; future extensions (up to the end of the Project period, i.e., 31st March 2028), are subject to the candidate’s performance.
  • Candidates who meet the requirements above may apply by clicking on the links provided. We kindly encourage candidates to ensure that they provide documented evidence for all the necessary requirements, including documents to demonstrate age, educational background, and desired criteria.
  • We won’t take into consideration applications without sufficient supporting documentation.

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