Is Domestic Violence For Men Too?

Is Domestic Violence For Men Too?

A man crying alone

As we know information related to domestic violence has largely focused on women as the victims and men as the perpetrators. Domestic Violence against men tends to go unrecognised since men are less likely to admit to or report such incidents because of embarrassment, fear of ridicule and lack of social support. They also have this burden of being characterized as strong by society and hiding their problems from others. It is a taboo subject that is often ignored by society, which means the extent to which the problem remains unknown.

We live in a country where equality is most focused on and in such cases only women are provided with support and men struggle internally which may cause depression, anxiety and other disorders in males. There are different types of abuse that men’s face, which include physical violence in the form of (hitting, and slapping), Emotional and psychological abuse such as (Intimidation, Threats, and Controlling Behaviour) and financial abuse such as (Restricting finances and manipulating them). The two people involved in marriage can be the cause the male might be the victim of the domestic violence.

Why The Cases Among Men Go Unreported?
1) General Stereotypes Against Males

Men often feel discriminated against and uneasy in opening up about the violence they face because they feel ashamed that they will be judged and called wimpy. They think that their efforts to tell others about their struggles will go in vain as these are the subjects of the society that are shown as strong and powerful.

2) Financial Dependence

The male victims may be financially dependent on the abusers and that’s why they hesitate to open up about the struggles they are facing as they fear they might lose the opportunity they are getting if they report the case. Because money is something everyone needs it is the basic necessity of life.

3) Concern For Children

Children are the gift of God and having them is the biggest treasure in parents’ life. If the case reported involves the children of the male victim. There might be higher chances of losing custody of their children, which might affect the overall mental well-being of the children who need constant care and affection from both of their parents.

4) Isolation

The male victims have very little social support as the abusers isolate them from their family and friends so that they can not reach for help and struggle alone. this takes toll on the male mental health as domestic violence is something that needs to be light if someone is suffering from that and needs constant care and support from their trusted ones. And this leads to the unreporting of domestic violence among men.

5) Cultural And Societal Factors

Cultural norms and societal expectations about gender roles can play a significant role in discouraging male victims from reporting abuse, particularly in a patriarchal society.

Strategies To Prevent Domestic Violence In Males

Controlling domestic violence in men involves a combination of prevention, intervention and support strategies.

1. Education And Awareness

One should promote awareness campaigns regarding domestic violence regardless of any gender and make people aware that violence occurs in both genders. There should be educational webinars and seminars regarding the prevention or how to deal in the situation in educational settings such as schools, and colleges. So that one might become aware of how to deal in these situations, especially in households. And also make them aware that domestic violence does occur in males too.

2. Early Intervention

The early signs identified in the victims of the domestic violence involves early intervention by providing the proper resources. the bystanders must intervene in the cases of domestic violence occurring.

3. Counselling And Therapy

As domestic violence with men usually go unnoticed it takes a huge toll on their mental health as males are those section of the society who usually don’t express much of their emotions and struggle their own battle silently. To debunk the stigma that males are the strongest beings as they are also normal individuals with feelings. They should consult a therapist and open up about the violence they are facing also, the preparator should also be provided with the counselling sections to notice their behavioural pattern and to see why are they doing that.

4. Community Engagement

To engage the communities in discussions about domestic violence and the impact it has on both genders. and to support the victims and challenge the stereotype and norms that males don’t struggle with domestic violence.

5. Social Support Services

    They should be provided with social support services to help them at the time they are facing violence. Easily accessible phone numbers should be provided to the victims and must be available the whole day Also, there should be rehabilitation programs for individuals who have been abused to change their behaviour and attitudes.

    As we know that males too are the victims of domestic violence, we should take steps to make it recognised among the youths and make people change their thinking that only females are the ones suffering from this. One should provide the utmost help to the males or any individual affected by domestic violence.


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