Do It Now: “Sometimes Later Becomes Never “
Self Help

Do It Now: “Sometimes Later Becomes Never “

The practice of delaying or postponing things until the very last minute or after their due date is known as procrastination. Procrastination, according to some academics, is a “form of self-regulation failure characterized by the willful delay of tasks despite potentially detrimental consequences.”

Around 20% of adults in the United States, according to Joseph Ferrari, a psychology professor at DePaul University in Chicago and author of “Still Procrastinating: The No Regret Guide to Getting It Done,” are chronic procrastinators.

No matter how organized and dedicated you are, there’s a good chance you’ve wasted time on unimportant activities like watching TV, updating your Facebook status, or shopping online when you should have been working on job or school-related tasks.

Procrastination may have a significant influence on your job, your grades, and your life, whether you’re putting off finishing a project for work, avoiding homework obligations, or ignoring domestic tasks.

Causes of Procrastination
  • The main problems that can prompt procrastination are the ones listed below based on this psychological framework:
  • Prioritizing immediate mood (that is, choosing to feel better now even if it means feeling worse later).
  • Task aversiveness, or the perception that a task is difficult, tedious, or unpleasant in some other way.
  • Fear and anxiety (caused, for instance, by worries about criticism).
  • Feeling overburdened (for example, from having so many tasks to complete that you’re unsure where to begin).
  • Perfectionism (due to, say, not allowing flawed work to be published).
  • Disconnect from your future self by, for instance, thinking of others as experiencing the effects of your delay.
  • Delayed results, such as when awards that won’t be given for a long time are discounted.
  • Low motivation (caused, for instance, by low-value results, low expectations for obtaining outcomes, or trouble connecting activities and outcomes).
  • Expected effort, such as that required for challenging work.
  • The propensity to continue doing what you’re already doing is known as inertia.
  • Aims that lack a precise definition are considered abstract.
These are also –
  • Biases in the mind (such as being overly pessimistic about your chances of achievement).
  • Time management problems, such as not prioritizing things.
  • Undesirable characteristics (such as impulsivity and distractibility).
  • Underlying actions (such as self-handicapping, seeking sensation, or defying authority).
  • Root causes (such as depression and ADHD).
  • Low energy (maybe as a result of inadequate sleep).
  • Low level of self-control (maybe as a result of weariness).
  • An environment that is problematic (such as one with plenty of diversions or bad peer pressure).

Procrastination and these problems have a tangled link. For instance, while some forms of perfectionism and fear tend to make individuals put things off, other forms seem to make people more motivated to take action.

In addition, many of these problems are connected. For instance, low energy levels can contribute to sadness, which in turn can worsen anxiety and enhance task aversion. Similarly, traits like high self-efficacy and mindfulness might lessen the impact of anxiety on procrastination.

Additionally, these problems may result in procrastination cycles that recur. For instance, this may occur when someone puts off completing a task because they are concerned about it, which leads to poor performance, which increases their anxiety about subsequent tasks, which increases their propensity to put off completing them for the same reason in the future.

Finally, keep in mind that there are numerous causes for procrastination. For instance, one person may put off doing something because they are anxious, while another person may put off doing something because they are perfectionists and have abstract ideals. Furthermore, a person may postpone for various causes at various times and under various conditions, which occasionally results in variations in the procrastination technique used.

How to Immediately Stop Postponing Tasks?

There are many methods we can use to quit putting things off. Following an outline and explanation of each principle, I’ll give you a few instances of strategy in action.

1. Make the benefits of taking action more immediate

Procrastination can be avoided if you can discover a means to make the advantages of long-term decisions more apparent right away. The temptation bundling tactic is one of the best ways to make future benefits available right now.

A behavioral economist at The University of Pennsylvania named Katy Milkman developed the idea of temptation bundling. Simply put, the approach advises combining a behavior that is beneficial to you in the long run with one that makes you feel good right now.

2. Make the Repercussions of Delaying More Immediate

You can be made to pay the price of procrastination in many different ways, and sooner rather than later. For instance, skipping your workout the following week won’t have much of an effect on your life if you exercise alone. You won’t experience an instant decline in health as a result of skipping that one workout. Only after weeks or months of being indolent does exercising become painfully expensive. The price of skipping your workout, though, increases if you agree to work out with a friend at 7 a.m. on Monday. If you skip this workout, you’ll come out as rude.

3. Plan your future course of action

A “commitment device” is one of psychologists‘ go-to methods for overcoming procrastination. Using commitment tools, you can quit procrastinating by planning out your future actions in advance.

4. Improve the task’s viability.

As we’ve already discussed, procrastination is typically brought on by resistance to beginning a behavior. Once you get started, continuing to work is frequently less painful. One good reason to make your routines smaller is that you’ll be less likely to put things off if they’re simple and quick to start.

The 2-Minute Rule, which claims that “When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do,” is one of my favorite strategies for making habits easier. The goal is to make starting as simple as possible, and once you get going, believe that momentum will drive you farther into the process. it’s simpler to keep doing anything once you have started. Procrastination and laziness are defeated by the 2-Minute Rule by making it impossible to resist starting to do something.


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