Different Parenting Styles: How it Affects the Development of the Child

Different Parenting Styles: How it Affects the Development of the Child

parents with their children

Parenting is a tough job that every parent has to go through while raising their children. Parenting deeply affects a child’s overall personality, it helps form values and morals and helps them to grow and learn in their life about the understanding of the world. It requires identification and patience to raise a child, which is not a linear path and is full of ups and downs.

The way parents handle their children is extremely important, their behavior, thoughts, and emotions can determine a child’s behavior as they are the best role models for their children. Children look up to their parents for their actions and learn from them hence understanding parenting style is important. When it comes to raising a child there is no definite rule to follow but knowing about parenting style and their uniqueness may help grasp how parenting can affect children.

In this article, we will explore the four distinct types of parenting styles and how each of the styles helps in the development of children’s over mental and emotional well-being and growth.

What is parenting style?

Parenting style is defined as the blend of behaviors, attitudes, and methods that are used by parents to raise their children. It is the overall development of the child, which nurtures them into adulthood through guidance and disciplines that every parent adopts.

1. Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parenting is a balanced approach to parenting. It involves a mix of love and care with sets clear boundaries for children. It has a reasonable expectation for a child to have the perfect balance of growth, nurture, and development. Parents who adopt this style of parenting guide and encourage their children to think on their own to help form a sense of independence in them to improve their decision-making. Parents use healthy communication with their children and listen to their thoughts and feelings.

  • The Impact on Child Development: Children raised by authoritative parents are independent in nature, have good social skills, and are good at academics. They have strong self-esteem and self-confidence in them and go by the rules in everything. They make responsible choices in life which allows them to grow positively in life. Parents who use this parenting style promote a positive relationship with their children that improves their emotional and mental well-being.
2. Authoritarian Parenting

As the name suggests, Authoritarian parenting involves the strong authority of the parents in raising their child. Parents using this parenting style are strict, have high demands from their children, and are very little lenient when it comes to rules. Such parents give more importance to discipline, they often want their children to be obedient. They do not have open communication with them and rely on punishment for wrongdoings.

  • The Impact on Child Development: Children who are raised by such parents are usually good at studies. They have discipline in their behaviour, although they struggle with social interactions. The children usually struggle with low self-esteem because of the strictness of their parents.
3. Permissive Parenting

This type of parenting style involves simple rules and very less restrictions in the life of a child. Parents using this type of parenting style tend to allow every demand of their child and provide a large freedom. Children aren’t guided by rules and regulations. The parents are supportive of their child to a great extent and only care about their happiness and needs.

  • The Impact on Child Development: Children who are raised under this parenting style may not be disciplined in life. They often don’t care about the boundaries, rules, and respect of others especially anyone who shows them authority. They are creative by nature and have self-confidence and independence due to the freedom they are provided by their parents. Although these might have difficulties in handling their emotions and are usually frustrated with the setback. They require external guidance other than from parents to know about responsibilities.
4. Uninvolved Parenting

As the name suggests, Uninvolved parenting is a type of parenting style where parents are not involved in the child’s needs and development stage. It is also called neglectful parenting as parents lack the need to be emotionally involved with their child. They don’t communicate with their children. They are often careless about knowing about their needs. Parents usually put their own needs first over their children’s hence depriving them of the love, care, and support they need.

  • The Impact on Child Development: Children raised by this parenting style suffer from poor emotional and mental well-being. They have poor grades in academics, they are emotionally unstable because they are not well how t regulate their emotions. They have trouble having healthy relationships with other people. They might suffer from a low sense of self-esteem and have behavior problems due to a lack of support and guidance from parents. The lack of nurture and care cause difficulty in their overall development and well-being.

Each parenting style is unique in its way and has a different approach to parenting. The authoritative parenting style is usually prefeed because it is the perfect balance of nurture, care, and discipline. It is important for children to grow up in a healthy environment where they can learn about the world. It helps develop their personality in a healthy way. Understanding the parenting style is important for parents in knowing about their child’s needs and wants. Every child is unique in nature and with the right parenting, they can grow well both emotionally and mentally.


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