CRPF’s Initiative To Boost Mental Health! 

CRPF’s Initiative To Boost Mental Health! 

The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is the largest Central Armed Police Force in India. It is a paramilitary force under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs. To address the growing suicide rates within the CRPF, which stood at 54 deaths in 2020, 57 in 2021, and 43 in 2022, the Deputy Inspector General (Welfare) has formulated a plan. This plan focuses on conducting awareness programs on mental health. Apart from that, financial literacy and appointing a family liaison officer for every unit or company. The plan has been shared with all sector headquarters for implementation.

During the welfare branch discussions, establishing a medical support system for families at home and providing specialized care and treatment for psychiatric disorders was also brought up.

Further deliberation was done. It was determined that exploring the establishment of a centralized mental health care centre for the CRPF was a viable option. This would involve designating one of its base hospitals or composite hospitals for this purpose.

What Would Be Done To Implement This?

To address this, all sector headquarters have been instructed. What for? To organize awareness programs on mental health during basic in-service training and at various forums. These programs will specifically focus on psychological disorders, suicidal tendencies, and related topics.

Apart from financial literacy, the sector headquarters have been directed to conduct regular classes on social issues, such as the changing social paradigm in the joint family system and extramarital relations, along with providing remedial measures. These classes will be conducted at various levels to address and raise awareness about these important topics.

Also, the family liaison officer (FLO) will maintain regular communication with the families, particularly after the soldiers return from leave.

The new setup in the CRPF is a positive move for India because it prioritizes addressing mental health issues. Specially among its personnel. Through awareness programs and specialized care, the CRPF seeks to decrease the prevalence of suicides and improve the mental well-being of its members.


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