Subodh Kumar

Subodh Kumar

Deputy Director, Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
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    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
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A gold medalist in M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) with a special interest in ‘technological intervention in psychological help’, Subodh Kumar is a stickler for details and accuracy. Displaying leadership skills, with prime focus on achieving immediate, visible, and tangible results, Subodh believes that an organization as well as the society as a whole functions best amidst a healthy sense of respect and duty. With Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India (BBRFI) he has conducted several training programs and meetings on 4D Brain Analysis (DNA Brain Mapping and Neuro-Psycho-Bio-Behaviour Analysis) — a Psychological Mapping program developed by the organization. He has developed a portal for online psychometric test and also has conducted over 2,500 assessments (including 4D Brain Analysis) and report generation for Psychological interpretation.

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