Psychologs World
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    Life Style

    How to Handle Defensive People

    Defensiveness often comes with two aspects: an emotion and an action. It usually arises when you think someone is criticising

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    Life Style

    Hustle Culture: Achieve but at What Cost

    Have you ever felt like you’re not doing enough? Say, even if you excel in your academics, you feel the

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    The Psychology behind Charity

    Goodwill is universal. It can be easy to become consumed by the headlines and the problems of the modern world.

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    Education Life Style Self Help

    Career Transitions and Mental Health: Navigating Change Successfully

    Thinking of changing your career path, or dealing with changes in your current career path can be daunting and sometimes

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    It’s Important to Understand the Complexities of Borderline Personality Disorder

    A child seeks affection and security through their caregivers and their development depends on their experiences of childhood. When these

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    The Psychology of Stereotypes

    Stereotypes encompass and immersive a significant part of our attitudes, expectations of, and habits of humans and communities. The knowledge

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    Self Help

    Why you should get out of your Comfort Zone and Make Things Happen?

    “You can choose courage or you can choose comfort. You cannot have both.” Brene Brown Do you often find yourself

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    How Does a Child Develop Attachment Style?

    From day one, a child starts making attachments and tries to connect with others emotionally. An Attachment is a deep

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    Passive Suicidal Ideation

    Trigger Warning: The Article is based on Suicidal Ideation and can be discomforting for sensitive readers There are several issues

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    How to stop Negative thinking?

    Have you ever felt stuck in a loop of negative thoughts, where everything seems to go wrong? This pattern, known

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