Garima Sharma
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Greeting everyone,I am Garima Sharma, I am currently pursuing Masters in Clinical Psychology from Amity University. My keen interest in human behaviour allured me towards this field. As I studied more and more, I realized that we have complicated our lives and have created a big chaos in the world. I envision to unravel this chaos with the help of our powerful mind.

    Self Help

    How to be your own Master?

    While we sit inside of our homes, we are totally ignorant of the other fraction of the world who are

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    Self Help

    How To Regulate Our Emotions?

    Sometimes we become so ignorant of things or so blind that the reality is right in front of us and

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    Self Help

    Why There Is A Need To Connect With Self?

    A day has 24 hours and by subtracting the hours we spend on sleep, we spend around 15 hours awake.

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    Awareness Education Technology

    Social Media: Deceptive?

    “There are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: illegal drugs and software”                                                                                                           -Edward Tufte Whenever you buy

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    Awareness Education

    Humanity: Just a product of civilization?

    Tracing back the history of humans existence, we go back to the stone age- back to million years ago where

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