Akshita Dhiman
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I am pursuing my bachelors in Psychology.Even in 21st centuary India is stigmatised in regard of the mental health importance butMental health is a responsibility of allkeep up with it...As our achievements are determined by itscontentment.....


    Psychology For a Layman’s Perspective

    “You are a psychology student, right? So, you can read my mind and know what I am thinking!” “Oh, yes

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    Awareness Education Social

    Prejudices- Hurdles for the Development

    It is assumed that for a country to progress, it requires three rudimentary constituents that are its economic, political and

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    Bollywood- A Real World for the Youth?

    What appears fascinating to us is a preplanned scripted life, We are putting at risk is a life we ought

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    Self Help

    Quarantine: The Good and The Bad

    Holidays, relaxation, food, less work, fewer worries, less morning routines, etc… these were some of the wishes that we yearned

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