Virendra Pratap Yadav
Associate EditorHOD Psychology, SPM College, Delhi
I have done my Graduation and Post Graduation from the University of Allahabad. Completed PhD from the University of Delhi and Doctorate topic was ” Body image and its Psychosocial correlates in adolescents”. I joined SPM college, Delhi university in 2013. I have completed various projects including ” Aggression and behaviour modification: A sociopsychological study of Juvenile’s” in 2015-2016. I have organised many national and international conferences including “Psychology of National Integration” in 2019 also presented more than 10 papers in various countries.
Participated in various bodies of University and other bodies such as BOS/Academic Council/Board of Examiner/Paper Setting/Syllabus Committee, etc. I also contributed as Convenor and member of many paper setting and evaluation committees; Co-opted member of UGC Learning outcome-based curriculum framework for Psychology; and Special invitee in a meeting of the committee of courses held on 21-02-2017 in the department of psychology, University of Delhi.
Other Academic contribution:
Delivered a video lecture for the secondary-level courses at the National Institute of Open Schooling.
Attended the meeting for updating the Glossary of Psychology during 28-30 August 2018 at Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, D/O Ministry for Human Resource Development, New Delhi.

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