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The mystery behind introverts is simplified: Do they really have dull lives?

The mystery behind introverts is simplified Do they really have dull lives

Introversion is one of the two personality types given by Carl Jung. Carl Jung in his theory mentioned two types of personality: introversion, and extroversion. Extroversion as we all know is a personality trait characterized by outgoingness, high energy, and socialization. Whereas introversion is characterized by a preference for one’s own inner company rather than the company of the outer world. They are withdrawn from social circles and tend to focus on their own thoughts and feelings. It is not like they fear or dislike others, they simply enjoy one-on-one communication in a calm and slow environment.

As humans are so-called ‘social beings’ and ‘codependent’ on each other, it is often surprising to see how independent introverts are. Their personality and preferences to enjoy their own company or the company of only one or two people often seem mysterious to others. Extroversion is easy to understand because we live in a global, social world where interactions are a necessity to escape the loneliness of this fast-paced world. As the internet has united us by creating a global village, people seem to be lonelier although we are more connected than ever. That is why it is easy to understand the personality of extroverts.

In times where extroversion becomes the need of the hour to be successful in any field, how do introverts manage? Are they lonely because of their choice of life? Well, these questions are probable to arise in an extrovert’s or an ambivert’s mind about introverts. Because their brain does not function as an introvert does, they are unable to imagine themselves in the shoes of an introvert. It is a common question to wonder whether introverts are lonely. The answer is no, they just like it more to be in their own company. For introverts, a packed cocktail party could prove to be agony. They prefer one-on-one interaction in serene settings and that is because it is more compatible with the structure of their neurological system. Research suggests that, unlike extroverts, introverts’ brains do not react significantly when they see unfamiliar human faces, instead, they generate less dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to reward, under these circumstances. A peculiar aura surrounds introverts. Although people desire to understand their thoughts, they will never fully understand them. Because of this, introverts are both, tremendously fascinating and intimidating. It is understandable why the outspoken and outgoing members of our society have such a difficult time understanding them.

Many people associate introverts with being shy but introverts aren’t necessarily always shy and underconfident. They can be confident individuals who like minimal interaction with people. An introvert doesn’t have to become an extrovert to become successful. They simply need to work hard and stay focused. As a matter of fact, introverts can prove to be great leaders as they are capable of performing careful analysis to make tough decisions without feeling any need for the approval of others or social support. Introverts are capable individuals who can calmly lead a group toward its goal without displaying any ego issues.

Other jobs suitable for introverts are social media manager, artist, accountant, doctor, etc. However, introversion and extroversion should not be a classification for job selection because the career and occupation of an individual should be solely driven by their passion and interest.

You might be surprised to learn that some of the nicest and friendliest people you’ll ever meet are introverts. They are by nature kind, carefree, and laid back. The cool and laid-back attitude of the introvert is quite alluring in a world that is constantly in a rush, has no time for silence, and clamors to the spotlight. While it is true that crowds exhaust introverts, small groups and one-on-one interactions make them thrive. For introverts, time spent in solitude is healthy and they feel recharged and relaxed. If they do not get their alone time it leads them to feel exhausted and stressed. One of the reasons introverts love alone time has to do with how they respond to rewards which are called the ‘Introvert-Reward Connection’. If you are an adult then rewards for you would be food, money, social status, relations, etc. Introverts too care about these rewards but they are built differently to respond to rewards than extroverts. Compared to extroverts, introverts are less motivated and energized about the same rewards and that is where their major difference lies.

As compared to extroverts, introverts need lesser stimulation to be motivated about something. While a house party may be the right amount of stimulation for the extrovert, an introvert would rather watch a movie with just one other person in his apartment and that amount of stimulation suits them. Dopamine is another distinction since it lowers our ‘cost of an effort’.As focusing, listening, comprehending, communicating, and regulating your reactions are all required when socializing, it also requires a lot of energy.Theoretically, everyone finds socializing exhausting, including extroverts. Dopamine, though, makes it less exhausting

Anticipation of talking to other people can easily provide extroverts with the required level of dopamine and therefore they are more able to cope with, and frequently get through, the inevitable fatigue that comes with socialization. Because of this dopamine ‘boost’, they typically don’t experience the same level of physical and mental exhaustion that introverts do. Dopamine’s effects are more sensitive to introverts than extroverts, thus they require less of it to experience its pleasurable effects. Introverts get overstimulation from an excess of dopamine. However, extroverts can be less sensitive to dopamine, meaning they need more of it to feel content. Dopamine production is increased by social interaction and by stimulating surroundings and circumstances, which explains why extroverts value social interaction and “being on the go” more than introverts do.

It is evident that the life preferences that introverts choose are by the default biological design of how their brain functions. Introverts are not lonely people, they simply feel true to themselves when they are in a calm environment with few people having meaningful conversations.

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