Instructions for writing Article

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  • Instructions for writing Article

You can write articles in Hindi or  English and your contributions should meet the following criteria: 


1. The article must be original and not published anywhere at the time of submission, except on your personal blog. If we find that the article is copied from some other place, we will give credit to the original author and we will disclose your name in public or if the real author will ask for your details.

2. If the article is a curated news/ research paper/report, it should cite the original sources. Do not copy-paste sentences even if you are curating. The value of the original reports should be added to your report. plagiarism should be less than 4 per cent except "Quote"

3. The article shouldn’t be too short or too long. Your article should be in the range of 800-2200 words. We might accept an article with more than 2200 words but don't take that risk.

4. We will give priority to those articles that are based on current events or are in the news at the time.

5. We always give priority to mental health and we oppose outright sarcasm on mental health. If sarcasm promotes mental health, it can be considered but it should not be related to any person without any proof.

6. The article should come as a breath of fresh air, that inspires thought and evokes emotion, rather than simply acting as a source of informing readers about prevalent concerns. Please ensure that the header for the article is distinctive, and focuses broadly on the chosen topic. 


Submitted articles will be reviewed and moderated, and will be published by our editorial team if they meet the above criteria. A few selections that further meet our editorial preferences and requirements may be selected for the print format of the magazine. But if the article is suitable for online / website, then it will be published online only. If you are submitting an article, then according to the decision taken by the editor, it can be published Online or in Print Magazine or Both.


Submit an article for Print Magazine through the following link:  Please keep in mind that the submission of articles is to be done only through the mentioned procedure. Kindly note that any other medium of submission, such as via email, will not be accepted or it may take longer time to get approval than usual. The author will be responsible for all information they provide at the time of submission; information is non-amendable after submission. If any information is misleading or wrong then the magazine can take appropriate action. 


Note: When you submit an article, you allow us that we can publish it in print or online according to that article. And you agree. Making the author profile is necessary to write for Psychologs. refer mentioned link.

Note: Editorial Board holds the right to accept or reject the article.