
Being Kind Matters: Stopping Bullying and Ragging


Bullying and ragging are significant issues, and in most cases, the victims are children. The purpose of this study is to investigate the traits of bullying and ragging and how they affect early teenage girls. Most people have, at some point in their lives, been the target of bullying. Adolescent aggression has led to the occurrence of bullying and ragging. Bullying and ragging are both considered forms of harassment, however, they are typically associated with different circumstances.

They both have been discovered to have a significant negative impact on children’s emotional and physical health as well as their academic achievement in the modern world. When compared to other forms of bullying, cyberbullying is one of the most prevalent and consistently occurs at a higher rate among middle and high school children.


  • Context:- The act of senior students initiating or hazing fresh students is referred to as “ragging”. Especially in India, it is frequently used in educational institutions.
  • Nature:- In nature, there are a lot of different behaviours that might be entertaining or innocuous at times, but in severe situations, they can lead to abuse—either physical or psychological.
  • Purpose:- Although ragging is frequently perceived as a means of creating a hierarchical structure among students, it can have detrimental effects on the mental and emotional health of those who engage in it.


  • Context:- The term “bullying” is more general and can occur outside of educational institutions. It can occur in any social setting, including the workplace, school, and the internet.
  • Nature:- Bullying is the deliberate, repeated act of causing pain or suffering to someone who is thought to be weaker than oneself. It might take the form of verbal, physical, social, or cyberbullying.
  • Purpose:- The intention behind bullying is frequently to frighten, control, or rule over the victim. Bullying can have a significant and long-lasting impact on the victim’s mental health.

Reasons Behind Ragging & Bullying

Bullying and ragging are comparable forms of violence that share similarities in that they both make their victims feel depressed and anxious. The victims of this aggression suffer verbal and psychological abuse as a result of the aggressiveness’s formation. Despite all of these parallels, bullying and ragging are distinct acts, yet both forms of violence have detrimental effects on their victims. Various nations’ governments have enacted punitive measures to deter these violent crimes.

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Impact of Ragging & Bullying on Adolescent Girls

“Adolescent bullying” is seen as a major worldwide public health hazard. It has a significant impact on the bullied person’s mental health, which results in severe trauma that lasts a lifetime. Along with verbal and physical abuse as well as neglect, teasing and bullying are prevalent forms of violent behaviour across the globe. People acknowledge that working with children is more convenient because of their innocence. The prevalence of social bullying, also known as cyberbullying, was consistently higher in women than in men. A child spend most of their time and develop a variety of skills in school.

Read More: Bullying and violence in schools

Bullying in school is a phenomenon that young adolescents deal with daily. Most early adolescent girls struggle with challenges at school like dating, group conformity, and the emphasis on appearance, which makes them vulnerable to bullying and ragging because of their status in the peer group. In most cases, researchers have found that bullying influences long-term mental health.

Importance of educating children about Ragging & Bullying

To stop these violent acts, it is crucial to raise awareness of ragging and bullying among both children and adults who provide care. Girls experience bullying at school and in college at a higher rate than boys do, and these violent acts leave them traumatized. A considerable number of them have experienced anxiety and sadness, and some have even been physically abused. The fundamental strategy of this violence is based on the cultural environment of the nation, and the initiatives also vary depending on the cultural characteristics of the persons involved. Different cultures around the world do these activities in different ways.

Government Initiatives for Reducing Ragging & Bullying Activities

Countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, India, and many more, have taken steps to stop this violence from occurring within their borders. The Indian government has passed laws prohibiting this kind of violence in schools and colleges. To stop this, the government is conducting surveys to determine the number of students facing harassment or abuse, enabling them to track incidents and take appropriate action against violence. The Indian government has also taken some actions to combat cyberbullying, which is becoming more commonplace worldwide.

Read More: Teachers’ role in preventing bullying

The spread of bullying and ragging practices worldwide is a cause for grave concern. Around the world, schools subject young adolescent females to bullying and ragging, occupying most of their time. Young adolescent girls who have experienced social isolation and like it are the most common cases. It’s crucial to remember that bullying and ragging are negative behaviours that can have major repercussions for the victims.

Read More: Emotional Isolation: The New Sense of Being

Anti-bullying and anti-ragging measures are in place at many institutions and organizations to stop and deal with these problems. To counteract these undesirable actions, education, awareness, and cultivating a culture of respect are essential. If you or someone you know is experiencing bullying or assault, it’s crucial to seek assistance from authorities, therapists, or support organizations.

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