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What were Sigmund Freud's top 5 contributions to psychology?

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an Austrian neurologist and psychologist, founded psychoanalysis. Despite the controversy surrounding his theories, Freud's contributions to psychology remain significant.


Freud introduced the concept of the unconscious mind, a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, and memories influencing behaviour.

Unconscious Mind


Freud identified life drives (Eros) focused on survival and pleasure, and death drives (Thanatos) associated with aggression or self-harm.

Life and Death Instincts


Freud described the personality as comprising the Id (pleasure principle), Ego (reality principle), and Superego (morality principle)

Personality Elements (Id, Ego, Superego)


Unconscious thoughts may surface through slips of the tongue or actions, known as Freudian slips or parapraxis.

Freudian Slips


A therapeutic technique where clients express thoughts freely, allowing therapists to analyze unconscious contents.

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