Children are most frequently afflicted with the highly contagious salivary gland viral infection known as the mumps. The most noticeable symptom is enlargement of the salivary glands, which gives the person’s face a “hamster-like” appearance. The parotid glands, often known as the salivary glands, are the main organs affected by the illness. The glands in question are in charge of creating saliva. Your face is lined with three sets of salivary glands, one behind each ear and one below.
The mumps virus is only known to infect humans. It is transmitted through direct touch or airborne droplets from infected people’s upper respiratory tracts. Mumps is most commonly recorded in children between the ages of 5 and 9; however, adults and adolescents can also contract the illness. The mumps start with non-specific symptoms such myalgia, headache, malaise, and low-grade fever after an incubation period of about two to four weeks. Days after the onset of these symptoms, the parotid salivary glands expand unilaterally or bilaterally; in 10% of instances, other salivary glands are also affected.
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Symptoms of Mumps Disease
The patient often experiences mumps symptoms two to three weeks after contracting the infection. On the other hand, about 20% of virus-positive individuals have no symptoms at all. At first, flu-like symptoms will manifest, including:
- Aches in the body
- Headache
- Sickness and/or appetite loss
- Overall exhaustion
- Low-grade fever
The typical signs and symptoms of the mumps will appear over the next few days. One of the three sets of salivary glands, the parotid glands, are bloated and uncomfortable, which causes the person’s cheeks to swell out. Usually, the swelling develops in waves rather than all at once. Additional related symptoms may consist of:
- The enlarged area of the sides of the face hurt.
- The discomfort felt during swallowing
- Difficulty swallowing
- Fever (with a maximum temperature of 103°F)
- A dried mouth
- Joint pain
Adults hardly get the mumps. The symptoms are usually the same in these situations, however, they can occasionally get a little worse and problems are a little more likely.

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What Causes Mumps Disease?
The mumps virus is the cause of the illness. Saliva and other respiratory secretions from a person who already has the illness can spread it. The salivary glands expand as a result of the mumps virus multiplying there after moving from the respiratory tract.
Here are some instances of how the mumps might spread:
- Coughing or sneezing
- Utilizing the same dishes and silverware as an infected individual
- Consuming food and beverages with an infected person
- Embracing or kissing
A person with a mumps infection can spread the illness for up to 15 days (6 days prior to the onset of symptoms and up to 9 days following). The paramyxovirus family, which includes the mumps virus, is a frequent source of illness, particularly in young people.
Psychological Impacts
Anxiety, Phobias, and Depression
A child’s chance of getting a mental health condition such as anxiety later in their adolescent years may increase if they contract a serious infection within their first year of life. Compared to individuals without infection, who were not susceptible to infection early in life, studies suggest that early serious infections may be related to increased chances of severe depression, overanxious disorder, separation anxiety, and a specific phobia.
The immune system creates antibodies in response to an infection in order to eliminate the pathogen. However, in certain individuals, these antibodies mistakenly target healthy brain cells. This may lead to inflammation of the brain and the start of symptoms resembling mental diseases, like persistent anxiety and depression.
In these situations, the patient might not have anxiety disorder but rather an autoimmune dementia brought on by an infection. An autoimmune brain attack may cause symptoms like anxiety, panic attacks, and unreasonable fears (phobias). Instead of having a core psychiatric disorder, those with sudden onset, persistent, or non-responsive anxiety symptoms might be suffering from an infection-induced immunological encephalopathy.
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In rare circumstances, an infection-induced autoimmune encephalopathy or encephalitis may be the cause of autoimmune seizures. This happens when the immune system creates antibodies that are intended to kill a foreign material (a virus or bacteria), but instead they mistakenly target healthy brain tissue (autoantibodies). This results in encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain, and the first signs of seizures in children and adults who have never had epilepsy.
Chronic Fatigue
It is still unclear what specifically causes chronic fatigue syndrome. However, there is growing evidence that an infection-induced immune system imbalance or other underlying biological mechanism is a major factor in the beginning of disease.
It comes as no surprise that CFS is frequently described as an immunological dysfunction condition. It tends to occur in previously ill individuals. Between 50% and 70% of individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome state that their symptoms become evident following a viral infection or sickness.
Treatment of Mumps Disease
Antibiotics cannot be utilized to treat mumps because it is a viral illness, and there are currently no antiviral drugs available to treat mumps. Like a cold, the current medication can only assist manage symptoms until the sickness has cleared up and the body develops an immune. The majority of people recover from the mumps in two weeks.
The following actions can be taken to assist reduce the mumps symptoms:
- Drink lots of liquids, preferably water; stay away from fruit drinks as they encourage the uncomfortable production of saliva.
- To ease the pain, apply something cool to the swollen area.
- Consume soft or watery food since it may hurt to chew.
- Make sure you get enough sleep and rest.
- Use warm, salted water to gargle.
- Utilize analgesics.
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