Search Results for : Reading

How dreading is death

Benjamin Franklin said “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” These words spoke volumes of the inevitability of death. It’s ultimate reality of life which catches up to every human being. Death conjures the fear of helplessness,


Why Gen Z is Turning to Online Therapy And Why It Works so good!

In earlier times, nobody used to talk about mental health issues, which created a lot of issues in society. But, thankfully, the times are changing. People are talking more about these things. And recently, mental health care is getting a


Why AI-Generated Videos Make Us Uneasy?: A Psychological Perspective 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing how we create and consume media at breakneck speed. One of the most striking breakthroughs in this field is AI-generated videos-realistic, computer-generated content often blurring the line between reality and fabrication. While these videos are


Sleeping well can fortify your Mental Resilience

As much as we want to cruise through our life and make most of our time, challenges are an inevitable part of the adventure. Handling the curve balls thrown by life without crumbling from the pressure can be a harrowing


Can the Presence of Mental Health Issues Masquerade as Increased Hunger?

Do you often find yourself stuck in a loop of eating even if you aren’t hungry and then feeling guilty about it? Do you often find yourself bingeing on food products rich in sugar during stressful times? Does your body


The Inside-Out of Gen Z: Helping through Positive Psychology

Gen Z also called the iGeneration, digital natives etc. are those born between 1997 and 2013. They grew up with technology, internet and ready access to vast, global information. They cannot and have not imagined a life without the internet and

Awareness Positive

How to Bring Self-control into Study Behavior: According to Psychology

Ms. Z is a very enthusiastic student who wants to achieve the best in academics and to be a good teacher in her career. However, recently, she began using social media often. She can’t even get 15 minutes away from


Empowering Neurodiverse Families: Protecting Against Toxic Products

Being a neurodivergent person can be an advantage, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. And one of them is the fact that you end up being more sensitive to toxic products. I can tell you for


Men’s Mental Health and Why we need to talk about it

The tragic suicide of Atul Subhash, a 34-year-old techie, has shocked the country (Pandey, 2024). Not only does it reveal the Indian judicial system’s shocking inefficiency, but it has also prompted a bigger discussion regarding men’s mental health. This instance


4 Workplace Hacks to Master Time, Boundaries, and Your Success

We’ve all been there — those Monday mornings where the thought of work feels like a cruel punishment. Yet, there’s a secret sauce to making your time in the office, or wherever you work, more fulfilling, fun, and ultimately… successful.