Search Results for : productivity

4 Workplace Hacks to Master Time, Boundaries, and Your Success

We’ve all been there — those Monday mornings where the thought of work feels like a cruel punishment. Yet, there’s a secret sauce to making your time in the office, or wherever you work, more fulfilling, fun, and ultimately… successful.


How Infertility Affects Emotions and Relationships

Reproductive challenges are used as an umbrella term for various challenges like irregular menstruation, low sperm count, low sperm motility, issues with pregnancy and childbirth, etc. Infertility is one of those reproductive challenges. It can be described as the inability


Is Your Job Making You Sick? The Hidden Dangers of Overworking

Today, in this fast-paced world, getting neck-deep and working beyond capacity has become very normal and much revered as proof of dedication and success. Their ideals and values never fail to encourage healthy competition amongst people, further driving them to


Women Banned from NGO Work by Taliban: Yet Another Hammer on Women’s Rights

The Taliban has ordered the closure of all foreign and domestic NGOs employing women in Afghanistan. This was also a move in the broader scheme of restrictions imposed against women’s participation in public life and employment in general. On Sunday,

Health Self Help

Chronic Anxiety: Symptoms & Coping Strategies

Anxiety is a normal response to stress or a threat, as it has psychologically prepared the individual to keep vigilant and ready for life’s challenges. However, when chronic anxiety forms, it becomes unbearable, as it leads to a huge impact

Awareness Self Help

10 Signs That You Are A Perfectionist, According to Psychology

Perfectionism is often viewed as something that is overwhelming or something that needs to be changed. While this may be true to some extent, perfectionism can also be a gift. It can be described as a personality trait that motivates


Workplace Policies and Their Impact on Employee Mental Health 

The mental well-being of an employee and, thus the welfare, is profoundly influenced by workplace policies. The better, the more inclusive its design, the more effective at producing a wholesome environment for work, reducing stress levels, and boosting  productivity, whereas ineffective

Self Help

Perfectionism, Procrastination and Paralysis

Have you ever felt like you’re not able to get something just right and keep stalling repeatedly, with the hopes that once you start, you’ll do it perfectly? Why do we defer our tasks and at the same time want

Awareness Self Help

What to do when You are feeling Overwhelmed

Truth be told, constant stress is now an unfortunate part of our daily lives. Given our fast-paced work culture that values productivity over anything else, it becomes rather easy to feel we’ve failed if we cannot keep up with the


Parallel Play and its Benefits

Have you witnessed how some children tend to sit together but are immersed in their own activities without interacting with each other? This is recognized as parallel play and it can function as a transition to more collaborative forms of