Search Results for : parenting

Dependent Personality Disorder

At some point in our lives, especially during childhood, we all experience being completely dependent on someone else, even as adults. We continue to rely on others to some extent for guidance, support, and approval, particularly during stressful times. However,


The Phantom Phone Syndrome: Why We Imagine Hearing Notifications That Don’t  Exist 

Have You Felt a Buzz That Wasn’t There?  Have you ever impatiently reached for your phone when you sensed a vibration in your pocket, only to discover that there were no new notifications? You’re not by yourself. Phantom Vibration Syndrome (PVS),


The Scope of Child Psychology in India: Challenges and Opportunities 

Childhood is a very significant stage in every individual’s life. Proper care and nurturing, depending on the developmental stage, are necessary for the healthy development of children. Even though childcare is a very important responsibility, many are not even properly


Passive-Aggressive Behaviour: Identifying, Causes, and How to Deal with it

Passive-aggressive behaviour is the way out or we can say a coping mechanism for our actions. When you feel angry, irritated, or have other emotions over something but do not express it directly or have a direct conversation rather than you


The Puzzle of Self: Exploring Identity in a Demanding World

“The world will ask who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you.” is a noteworthy quote given by psychologist Carl Jung, who is primarily known for his concepts related to self, archetypes and the


The Psychological Effects of Growing Up in Poverty 

Millions of people live in poverty worldwide. They lack basic facilities such as food, shelter, clothing, etc. Poverty is not a choice, and it affects people in several ways. The detrimental effects are more pronounced in children. Families in poverty

Self Help

10 Daily Habits to Build Self-confidence

What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you read the word “Self-confidence”? Do you think you are Self-confident? Self-confidence is often misinterpreted as a special ability that is not present in everyone. It is something that

Awareness Self Help

10 Smart fixes to the Most Common Exam Problems

Every student’s life includes exams, which serve as significant turning points in their academic careers. They are difficulties that test limits and frequently cause stress, insomnia, and excessive strain, so for many students, they are more than just knowledge assessments.


Gender Sensitivity in Mental Health Practice  

Sex is the biological component of males and females such as one’s hormones, genitals and reproductive systems. Whereas, gender is the socially constructed aspect of males and females like roles, norms, practices and expectations of people identifying as a particular


Parallel Play and its Benefits

Have you witnessed how some children tend to sit together but are immersed in their own activities without interacting with each other? This is recognized as parallel play and it can function as a transition to more collaborative forms of