Search Results for : grief
Awareness Positive

What Does It Mean When You Dream of Someone Dying? 

Dreams are what we are as a person, and also what we wish to be or have in our lives. When these wishes and desires become intense and overwhelming, they are manifested in the form of dreams. Dreams and the


Dharma: The Guiding Compass for Mental Clarity and Ethical Living

The Ayodhya prince Lord Ram was also referred to as the embodiment of dharma. When King Dasharatha grants his wife Kaikeyi two boons, one of them is to exile Lord Ram for fourteen years. Rama decides that it is his responsibility

Awareness Health

The Psychology of Anger

What do you do when you get angry? Do you blast at someone, punch a pillow or isolate yourself? How do you deal with it? Is it good to get angry? Read to know more. The Psychology Behind Anger Anger


Unconditional Love vs. Conditional Love: What Every Parent Needs to Know

While surfing through Pinterest feeds, I came across a quote by Dr. Gordon Neufeld, a researcher in the field of child development, known for his work in attachment theory and the importance of a secure parent-child relationship. He said –


Four Ways Social Media Can Be Good for Mental Health

In recent years, social media has often been criticized for a potentially negative impact on mental health. However, it can also be good for mental health in several ways. Fostering connections and community, providing access to resources and information on


Liam “regressed” When he first started Therapy

Former One Direction band member and singer Liam Payne died on 16th October. As per the Media Reports, his death was caused by falling from the third floor of his hotel room in Buenos Aires, Argentina. An Outpour of Grief

Self Help

7 Tips to deal with Disappointment

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling in my pain, but the heart to conquer it. Rabindranath Tagore Disappointment can be described as a

Positive Self Help

Happiness: A Cage of Falsehood

What is the most overrated concept after love? It is happiness- a word that, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, refers to the feeling of being happy. But what defines this feeling and how does one measure one’s level of happiness?


Maintaining Mental Health While Coping with Chronic Illness

Whenever you have a fever and you’re completely down physically, you become mentally weak too. Have you noticed this? If maintaining good mental health is tough when you’ve fallen sick with just flu, imagine the plight while suffering from chronic


Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy is a new, structured treatment approach for people diagnosed with mood disorders, focusing particularly on bipolar disorder. In designing ISRT, Dr Ellen Frank and colleagues take aspects of interpersonal therapy combined with stabilizing daily routines