Search Results for : aggression
Awareness Health

How Does Menopause Affect Mental Health: Psychologist Speaks

Menopause is a big event in a woman’s life; it presupposes the end of her reproductive age. The hallmark of this status is no menstrual bleeding for a continuous period of 12 months. It usually happens between the ages of


The Psychology behind Job Insecurity

Job insecurity refers to a prevalent emotional state that encompasses the feeling of uncertainty and anxiety surrounding one’s employment. It manifests as a constant worry about the stability of one’s job, leading to stress about the possibility of being laid

Crime Education

The Role of Psychology in Criminal Profiling

Criminal profiling, as popularized in the movies, is considered to be almost a mysterious phenomenon, whereas, in practice, it is a very structured approach that applies the theories of psychology for the analysis of crimes. It acts as a link


Passive Aggressive Behaviour in the Workplace

We have all gotten at least one infuriating backhanded compliment in our lives. The sarcastic snicker as they look at their friends before turning to you. The obvious disrespect that they did not even try to hide. We have all


Psychology behind Reckless Driving

“Speed thrills but kills”—a phrase we often hear, yet the allure of reckless driving persists despite the known dangers. Every year, reckless driving results in thousands of deaths and injuries worldwide. This article explores why people continue to engage in

Awareness Parenting

The Impact of Divorce on Children’s Mental Health

Divorce is a major life experience that can significantly alter a child’s world. It affects emotional well-being, behavioural patterns, and social interactions. While shifting family structures and parents dealing with life’s turmoil, children often get caught right in the middle.


Mind Ninja Moves: 5 Sneaky Tricks to Outsmart Anyone in an Argument!

Having an argument is almost an everyday part of our life. With her mother’s, friends, siblings, or formal settings like debate competitions, MUNs, and so on; we do not hesitate and want to prove a point. Imagine a cheat sheet


The Psychology of Solitary Confinement

When I say, “The third week of March 2020”, what do you remember? The Lockdown, right? Imagine you lived separately from your family for work and had to manage the lockdown all alone. The first few months felt relaxing and


Small Daily Habits That Can Improve Your Mood During Depression

Living with depression, you usually feel like you will never be able to get better again. You lose interest in things that you loved doing before. You might feel exhausted, and doing small chores might feel like a big task


Addiction vs Compulsion

Addiction refers to a persistent and intense urge to use a psychoactive substance or engage in a behavior which produces natural rewards, barring its detrimental consequences. An individual when consumes a particular substance or engages in an activity, activates the