Search Results for : Reading

Sitting Too Long Linked to Heart Disease: Study Reveals Alarming Insights

A new study has shown that extended sitting time may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by exerting an increased level of cardiovascular strain and even regular exercise may not exclude this risk. Researchers from the Journal of the American


Emotion-friendly Campuses: A pathway to prioritize mental health in school and college

Choice of school or college for our children is always a subject of deep thought and plenty of discussion. Usually, the key drivers for this decision are a good academic reputation of the institution being discussed, followed closely by plenty


How to Develop Critical Thinking in Psychology 

Critical thinking is one of the most significant components of psychology since it allows for argument evaluation and accurate data processing, which leads to reliable conclusions. In today’s society, this vital skill is highly valued; thus, there is a great


FoMO to JoMO – Experience the Joy of Missing Out

In the post-Corona period, we find people more online and less offline. Corona has transformed a lot in our lives. Especially, the young generation stays online and follows, likes and dislikes others on social media. They find more information on

Awareness Parenting

The Cocomelon Nightmare : Educational Tool or a Cause for Concern

Cocomelon and other similar animation series have exploded into the lives of children, taking root in households across the globe. Bright and set to a catchy rhythm, almost endless episodes promise entertainment as well as education for the kids. But

Awareness Positive

Mata Ana-The Trance Dance of the Devis

Culture is the sum of all shared customary beliefs, social forms, and practices, or a set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices, more specifically, an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behaviour that is dependent on the ability

Awareness Health

Cognitive Distortions 101: The Hidden Link Between Cognitive Distortions, Anxiety, and Depression

Cognitive Distortions are negative thought patterns that make people view a situation inaccurately. For instance, consider someone who, upon getting a rejection letter for an application, does not take it as a single setback but starts reasoning by saying, “I


How to Avoid the Trap of “Success Fatigue” and Stay Energised

Being in a successful position, leading a crew of aspiring individuals, meeting all the expectations and high benchmarks, and going forward and upward continuously is not at all easy. Success fatigue can be a highly stressful phase. Read on to learn


Doomscrolling: Why We Do It, How It Affects Us, and How to Break the Cycle

In a time where we have access to information at all times, it’s simple to fall victim to what is now known as “Doomscrolling.” It involves idly browsing through upsetting and anxiety-inducing bad news articles, as well as content like

Education Life Style

Psychology of Novelty: The Appeal of New Experiences

Have you ever wondered why your brain lights up for a spontaneous trip, a new restaurant or a new person in your life? Why does it feel so nice to have something new? It brings a different kind of energy