Search Results for : stress

Caregiving is stressful and also a risk factor for depression: Study

Being a caregiver to an aging parent or spouse can cause stress, but a new study done by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin questions the idea that family caregiving can also be a risk factor for depression.


IIT-Bombay Establishes A “Recharge Zone” To Reduce Placement Stress and More

For the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) placement season of 2023, early indications appear to be promising. Still, it’s not uncommon to find oneself gazing at an unclear future and feeling stressed throughout placement. As a stress-relieving strategy, the Student


Caring for Someone with Mental Distress

Mental distress, or psychological distress, is a term used to describe a range of symptoms and signs of a person’s internal life, that are generally held to be disquieting, confusing or out of the ordinary. Mental distress can potentially lead


How to Manage Technostress and Enhance Digital Wellness

From entertainment to work, the majority of everything we do in our fast and developing digital world relies on technology. People spend so much of their time suffering on the internet and utilizing technology. Technology has taken up an irreplaceable

Life Style

Grounding Exercise for Reducing Stress

In the 21st century life has become way more complicated than before. It became necessary for people to multitask to meet the expectations or task. It’s like being on an active continuously. Even when people are not working they are


High Level of Prenatal Stress Leads to Problems in Children’s Behavior: Study

According to a study released by the American Psychological Association, conducted by Tung, I., Hipwell, A. E., Cannova, E., English, G., Quick, A. D., Llamas, Grosse, P., Battaglia, L., B., Taylor, M., & Foust, J. E (2023) published by Psychological

Self Help

6 Ways to Prevent Stress From Taking Over Your Life

How to Prevent Stress From Taking Over Your Life In our fast-paced modern-day lives, sometimes the demands of work and personal responsibilities can cause a lot of stress. The World Health Organization defines stress as “a state of worry or


How To Deal With The Stress of Competition

In today’s world, people working in different fields of work face the stress of competition because of the growing competition and environmental pressure in the workspace. This pressure and stress can arise from the competition one may feel around them.


How to cope with Exam Stress?

Stress is characterized as a condition of anxiety or tension in the mind brought on by a challenging circumstance. Stress is a normal human reaction that motivates us to deal with obstacles and dangers in our lives. Our bodies’ reaction

Self Help

Stress Management Strategies for Young Professionals

In India coronary heart disease patients have increased from 1.6% to 7.4% in rural populations and from 1% to 13.2% in urban populations. Over the years, cardiovascular diseases have become one of the leading causes of death. Conditions such as