Search Results for : parenting
Education Parenting

Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura

Social Learning Theory was developed by Albert Bandura (1977), and its doctrine states that people learn by the observation, imitation, and modeling of others. Learning is influenced by attention, motivation, emotions, and attitudes. This theory shows how mental processes such


12 Branches of Psychology 

You may always wonder about people’s behavior in different contexts. Sometimes you may even think about yourself – your own thought patterns, behaviors, and interests. As you know, psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. From the


Psychology behind Entitlement Complex

In the fast-paced technology and hyper-individualistic environment, the concept of entitlement has come to everyone’s notice more prominently than ever. From high-pressure workplace settings to disturbed interpersonal relationships, a sense of entitlement can create conflicts, resentment, and unrealistic expectations. It


The Psychology Behind Mother-Daughter Relationships

As a daughter, have you ever identified which set of behaviours you might have emulated from your mother and how your actions can be starkly different from your mother’s own? It can reveal a lot about you as a person


What Does It Mean to Have a Favourite Child? 

Do Parents Really Have a Favourite Child?  “I love all my children equally.” Over time, generations of parents have repeated this same phrase. But according to recent studies, favouritism might be far more prevalent than most parents are aware of. Based on


Improving Workplace Satisfaction, Motivation and Productivity Using Positive Psychology

Research by Andrew J. Martin from the Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre, University of Western Sydney provided interventional models drawn from positive psychology, to improve productivity at the workplace. He introduced the ‘Occupational Motivation and Engagement Wheel


Mona Lisa and the Male Gaze: A Case Study in Objectification  

Objectification and commodification of women has been a trend throughout human history. For centuries, society has treated women like limited-edition collectibles—prized for their beauty, their caregiving skills, and their ability to keep the family tree growing. But let’s be real:

Parenting Relationship

Object Relations Theory: How Early Relations Determine the Course of Our Life 

Object relations theory is the psychoanalytic concept that bases the importance of early relationships on shaping emotional and psychological development. It attempts to understand how those interactions shape the inner world and then goes on to impact all of our


What to talk about in therapy?

So you have booked an appointment with a counselor and decided to begin your journey of healing and transformation. You find yourself worrying that you would sit in complete silence while your therapist waits for you to begin conversing. It’s


The 6 Basic Emotions and How They Shape Our Everyday Life 

“He is so emotionally sensitive” – you may have heard such comments from someone about someone. Having emotions is a wonderful thing in human life. Each day we encounter different persons, things, or events. We often associate some emotional connection