Search Results for : anger
Self Help

Anger Inoculation

Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, or the right purpose, and in a right way- it is not easy: Aristotle Let’s face it,


Narratives of Anger Management

As a psychologist, my interest in anger grew when I noticed resentful behaviour patterns, self-defeating behaviours and tied up blocked emotions. Touching upon anger issues further reflected and highlighted the dynamics of unhealthy behaviours and relationships. Anger is often just


Three Identical Strangers

Run Time: 1 hr. 36 min Film Type: Documentary, Biography, Drama Released on: 30th Nov 2018 In 1980, at Sullivan County Community College 19 years old Bobby excitedly entered the campus for the first time ever, only to be mistaken


Xenophile vs Xenophobia

So new terms right xenophile and xenophobia but a few are aware of the concept that it is something very similar to what we all experience in our daily lives. Xenophile and xenophobia are the bright and dark sides of

Life Style

10 Signs Your Body Is Responding to Unprocessed Trauma, According to Psychology

Trauma can be understood as a reaction to stressful events that is potent in causing long-term  physical or psychological symptoms. Besides just being a past experience, it carries the ability to  leave a mark on our bodies and minds without


Emotional Intelligence Linked to Forgiveness in Adults

Parker, Saklofske, and Stough P (2009) define Emotional Intelligence as the ability to comprehend emotions, empathize with others, recognize social signs, manage emotions, and respond culturally appropriately. This psychological notion was first developed by Peter Salovey and John Mayer. Mayer


The Milgram Experiment: Understanding Obedience to Authority 

One of the most controversial studies in social psychology, Stanley Milgram’s 1960s experiment, has sparked extensive interpretation and criticism over the years. Thus, designed to examine the degree to which personal conscience would be sacrificed in an individual for obedience


Sharenting or Over-Sharing? Navigating Parenthood in the Social Media Era

Parents who share their children’s every moment are also sharing their children’s futures—be mindful of what you post. Parenting has evolved in the digital age when social media dominates communication. “Sharenting,” a growing practice, refers to parents sharing images, videos,

Awareness Positive

The Hidden Link Between Overthinking and Anxiety You Need to Know

For instance, you are shortlisted for an interview for your dream job, and yet you can’t stop yourself from constantly pondering over the situation. Repetitively playing possible questions in the mind, doing rehearsals of responses, and envisioning you will create


12 Branches of Psychology 

You may always wonder about people’s behavior in different contexts. Sometimes you may even think about yourself – your own thought patterns, behaviors, and interests. As you know, psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. From the