Search Results for : intelligence

Please tell me: What is maturity?

As a child, were you subjected to situations that demanded a lot more than you could offer? For instance, children are academically burdened to perform brilliantly. In such situations, some are able to adjust to these demands, some fail, some

Self Help

How Reading Fiction Shapes Your Psyche

Are you a person who roams about platform number 9¾ , looking for Hogwarts Express, in 7 parts amazingly brilliant ‘Harry Potter’ series, or you keep wondering how dystopian world of George Orwell in ‘1984’ strikes relevance till date! Chick-lits


Are you having negative thoughts about your partner?

The fear of past experiences overshadows the pleasant feelings of present moment. Sometimes, we’ve been treated in such a manner in our childhood, be it by our parents, siblings or relatives or a partner that we carry the setback for


Abusive Relationships

Relationship abuse can be defined as a forceful behavior that are used to maintain power and control over the former or current partner causing physical, sexual or psychological harm. Abuse can be emotional , financial, sexual ,physical and include threats


Do you know Myths and Facts of Mental Illness?

Before diving into the conceptual ocean of mental health, it is initially important to understand about mental fitness, mental illness as well as difference of two. So what according to you mental health can be? Is it just being free


Autism Spectrum Disorder

AUTISM is neither a puzzle nor a disease. Autism is a challenge but certainly not a devastating one. Autistic children may not fit into your box of thoughts but they can help you realize that there is ‘NO BOX’. It


Depression is not rare

There has been a significant rise in the number of people with depression all over the world. WHO estimates that more than 300 million people globally are living with depression. Depression can have a significant impact on the quality of


Signature strengths and Self-awareness; key to quality life

“Awareness of self, strengthens the quality of life”. Life is a journey of ups and downs, the wave of the challenges and emotions involved, have some high tides and some low tides but the only promise that life makes is,

Self Help

Being emotionally intelligent: The need of the hour

The concept of EQ (emotional intelligence) is becoming popular in modern days as the experts believe that it is one’s ‘Emotional Intelligence’ that plays a greater role in all the spheres of the life. Emotional Intelligence is a blend of


March is in the air and it is just another month!

March is in the air and it is just another month! Students by now can feel the month of March approaching. March is generally associated with the exams, not only by the students but also by their family. Future, Result,