Search Results for : intelligence
Awareness Self Help

Conscious learning from crisis

Sowing Seeds of sensitivityDeep down in my heartNo matter where life plants meSrijan will spring up from my soul! Srijan means creative capacity.             I was sharing these deeply felt lines to myself. These lines emanated from core of conscience,


The Power of your Mind

“The sign of intelligence is the ability to carry opposed thoughts at the same time.” : F Scott Fitzgerald This article is inspired by a story I read. The story was based on the research done Masaru Emoto, the author


Need of psychological services to deal with the rape crisis in India

Rape is not a women’s problem But a men’s issue and it should be dealt with. The prevalence of headlines recording hundreds of rape cases across the country every single day, makes it redundant to mention statistics in order to


Geriatric Depression

People complain of seeing blue during depression. But it is a serious mood disorder in which an individual feels extremely dejected to the point that everything around them becomes meaningless. Someone quoted depression as “depression is being colorblind, constantly telling


Being mindful or mind full???

In the fast paced world, we are so concerned about doing and achieving things, but are we really enjoying doing so and living our daily lives to the fullest is really a question. Many activities of our daily lives which


A New PhD Programme introduced in IISc, Bangalore

IISc Bangalore has introduced a new PhD programme based on the Brain and Artificial Intelligence. It include the research areas of brain inspired artificial intelligence, signal processing, sensory processing systems: vision, speech, high-level cognitive processes, learning, attention, decision making, brain


Importance of self love and how to cultivate it ….

Self-love, everyone heard this word at one point in their life. For some people, self-love may sound a bed of roses rather than a necessity. We as individuals engage in lot of work day and night and take little or


Relationship OCD – CD – The biggest threat to todays world

Now days Relationship Obsession is a common factor among many couples in this uncertain world, as a result of which broken relationship, roughness and dullness between pairs (Teenagers & Adults Both) are common scenario everywhere. Before knowing about Relationship Obsession,


Conduct Disorder: An Overview

Tara, a four year old, was yelling & screaming and interrupting everyone at dinner table. As her mother scolded her, she picked up the serving spoon and threw it at her mother with all force and hit her- Everyone was


Be the certain parent in an uncertain world

Change is constant by law of nature. Times, education, learning styles have also undergone changes, thanks to an evolving education system world over. However, with all appealing forms of technology (introduced even in education and also seen as a sign