Search Results for : mental health

Why Teenagers Misbehave With Their Caregivers?

The teenage stage is a complex and transitional stage that lies as a path between childhood and adulthood. It is a pivotal stage of development as it marks as well as shapes an individual’s personality. Adolescence is quite transformative as

Self Help

Self-regulation Tips for People with Anxious Attachment

Therapy, emotional self-control, and spotting early warning signs of insecure attachment can help people with these attachment types. From childhood to adulthood, experiences mold people and, in the end, influence how they develop loving and wholesome interactions with others. According


Understanding Grief Therapy And Its Interventions

It can be physically and emotionally agonizing to lose a loved one, which may sometimes make it challenging to carry out daily tasks.It is extremely important to process your feelings at the time of mourning by seeking a counselor or


A Guide to Understanding Antisocial Personality Disorder

Known as antisocial personality disorder and sometimes called sociopathy, this mental illness is characterized by a persistent disregard for right and wrong and a disregard for the rights and feelings of others. People who suffer from antisocial personality disorder often


Nyctophile: Why Does the Night Fascinate Me?

Because the universe is expanding, distant stars and galaxies are moving away from us. So, much as slowing down a record, the Doppler effect causes stars travelling away from us to grow redder. And as they get further away from

Self Help

What is Blind Trust? Let’s Understand its Role in Our Lives

Trust is one of the building blocks of society. It is the most ordinary thing that exists to carry out the interpersonal relationship, trade, business, medical and legal interactions. Without trust, no interaction or work is possible between human beings.


Let’s know about the Difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy

The two terms counselling and psychotherapy, even though they sound the same and many times have been used interchangeably are quite different in their meaning. Counselling and psychotherapy both involve a practitioner who is involved in giving talk therapy to

Self Help

Differences Between Positive & Negative Attitudes 

What is the distinction between a positive and bad attitude? We use these words to describe other people all the time. We can refer to someone as having a positive or negative attitude. We’re actually using these terms to describe


How Much News Coverage Is Suitable for Kids?

Watching the news is what everyone spent in time listening to or reading. Since technology has become more advanced in the 21st century, before that we had radio, television, and newspapers as our only source of getting news. Then came


The Psychology Behind Celebrity Culture

Body image has become extremely important in today’s day and age with the rush of celebrity content on social media. Nowadays famous celebrities are in a race to look more perfect than others and some have even invested in cosmetic