Search Results for : intelligence

What is Social Intelligence?

In a world that is completely drowned in social media – memes, reels, trends, likes, shares, and comments; the real human connection is the essence of each of our lives. Imagine getting into a room full of people, each of


Psychology and Artificial Intelligence

According to Luxton, AI is typically described both as the technology designed to perform activities that normally require human intelligence and a multidisciplinary field of science concerned with understanding and developing the technology. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the


What is Emotional Intelligence?

Imagine if someone you know borrowed some money from you. He made a promise to return it by the end of that month, but somehow he didn’t do it. What will your response be? Will you become furious and call


Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Psychology

If you were asked to define an intelligent person, how would you attribute them? The first thing that comes to one’s mind after listening to the word ‘intelligent’ is that a person is good at studying. As the conversation continues,


Theories of Intelligence in Psychology

Theories In Psychology That Shaped How We View Intelligence What is Intelligence? Intelligence is a psychological phenomenon that eludes a simple definition. In the simplest terms, it refers to the mental ability of a person. The American Psychological Association defines


Navigating Fluid and Crystallised Intelligence

Navigating Fluid and Crystallised Intelligence Intelligence is a word so vague that it essentially captures all the phenomena that psychology concerns itself with. Dazinger Did you know? Intelligence, as a term, wasn’t explained as a psychological concept until the 1920s.

Self Help

How Bad Memories Can Affect Our Intelligence: Exploring the Psychological Impact

Everyone must have gone through something in their lifetime or currently through some kind of experience that they wished had never happened. That experience tends to become an integral part of our memory which, unfortunately, is not easy to forget

Self Help

Emotional Intelligence, the Effects and the Difference between IQ and EQ

We all know about IQ, which is the intelligence quotient, but intelligence is not only about academics, or perfect scores in tests, etc. There is also a type of intelligence which is known as emotional intelligence. What exactly is this


Artificial Intelligence and Alzheimer’s Disease Early Detection: Study

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that impacts millions of people around the world. Around 50 million individuals worldwide suffer from dementia, with Alzheimer’s being the most common cause, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). A steady deterioration

Self Help

How Emotional Intelligence Plays an important role in Your Life

Have you ever been told that you lack empathy? Do you find yourself blaming others for everything that happens to you? Has anyone ever told you that you have poor coping skills, often turn conversations towards yourself, and have certain