Search Results for : behaviours

Psychology behind Entitlement Complex

In the fast-paced technology and hyper-individualistic environment, the concept of entitlement has come to everyone’s notice more prominently than ever. From high-pressure workplace settings to disturbed interpersonal relationships, a sense of entitlement can create conflicts, resentment, and unrealistic expectations. It


The Psychology Behind Mother-Daughter Relationships

As a daughter, have you ever identified which set of behaviours you might have emulated from your mother and how your actions can be starkly different from your mother’s own? It can reveal a lot about you as a person

Awareness Therapy

Is it possible to treat people with Substance Use Disorders using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)? 

Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) can be defined as “a cluster of cognitive, behavioural and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues using the substance despite significant substance-related problems” (APA, 2013). It can arise from a maladaptive pattern of behaviours and


Improving Workplace Satisfaction, Motivation and Productivity Using Positive Psychology

Research by Andrew J. Martin from the Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre, University of Western Sydney provided interventional models drawn from positive psychology, to improve productivity at the workplace. He introduced the ‘Occupational Motivation and Engagement Wheel


Digital Hoarding: The Clutter we don’t see

In your life, you would have come across certain people, whose digital storage spaces like Google Mail, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc are perpetually brimming with emails, documents, photos, videos and assorted digital information. They would continue hoarding their digital collection


New Research Challenges Belief That Big Groups Hinder Teamwork

According to a recent study, flexible social connections improve teamwork, refuting that larger groups hinder cooperation. Researchers observed that in a prisoner’s dilemma game, participants in greater groups cooperated more frequently, despite memory restrictions. According to brain scans, participants’ prosocial


Surprising links found between suicide rates, weapon access and violence exposure 

Suicide continues to be one of the primary causes of death among teenagers and conducive research exploring the factors influencing suicide reveal deeper insights into this morbid topic. A research study done on high school students from the USA unveiled a

Life Style

6 Factors that make you less attractive, According to Psychology

Have you ever examined why certain individuals are able to connect with others so easily while others find it difficult? Unexpectedly, the solution is found in subtle psychological aspects that affect how attractive we seem to others as much as in our


Microaggressions Explained: Understanding, Impact, and Solutions

Microaggressions are intentional or inadvertent, short, everyday verbal, behavioural, or environmental insults that convey hostility, disdain, or negative prejudice toward any group—especially culturally marginalised groups. Another type of microaggression is microinvalidation, which is the rejection or negation of someone’s identity or


Why We Talk to Objects: The Psychology of Human Connection with the Inanimate

Picture yourself hurrying through your day when your foot is abruptly caught by a chair leg. You mumble, “Why would you do that?” without thinking. It’s more frequent than we may think to talk to inanimate objects, whether it’s to