Search Results for : psychology

Exercise and Mental Health

As we know, exercise is good for physical health, such as improving our metabolic rate, preventing us from suffering from chronic diseases, helping us maintain a healthy BMI boosting our immune functions, etc. Did you know? Exercise is also good


Addiction Reconceptualized

Addiction refers to the continual use of drugs (e.g., alcohol or opiates) or engagement in specific behaviours (e.g., gambling or video gaming) despite the occurrence of psychological or physical harm. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,

Positive Self Help

The Inside Out Film: Psychological Analysis

The premise of the 2015 film Inside Out is based on a girl named Riley whose father is unable to secure a job, leading the family to move away. A peculiarity of the plot is that it features different individuals

Awareness Positive

What Made Self-Objectification A Common Part Of Womanhood

When an individual believes in outer appearance more than that of seeing herself as an individual, it’s self-objectification. People often consider the body just like a physical object when they compare it with the standard or trendy body measurements. Is


15% Experience Withdrawal After Stopping Anti-depressants

1 in 6 to 7 people undergo discontinuation symptoms like dizziness, nausea, irritability and insomnia whereas 1 in 33 patients show severe symptoms of withdrawal. Management of Medications: The research emphasized the percentage of people affected by withdrawal symptoms. It


Family Acceptance and LGBTQ+ Youth 

The LGBTQIA+ community has seen a lot of growth and development in terms of laws and regulations. Although these changes are still slow and not properly enforced. Many members of the community have felt the impact of these reforms in


Apathy and its Impact on Modern Life

The pace and demands of modern life have made it harder than ever to care about things. With a plethora of information available online, we are no strangers to how cruel people can be, but with so much going on


“Sab Khairiyat?” The Voice that gave us the voice – Mental Health Discussion for Screenwriters

Screenwriters Association (SWA) hosted a discussion “Sab Khairiyat” to create a platform where writers speak about their mental health. The discussion comprised various screenwriters including Anjum Rajabali (moderator), Preeti Mamgain, Adhiraj Sharma, etc. These esteemed writers came together to speak

Event Health

7th Edition of The Doctor’s Day 2024: Celebrating, Recognizing & Acknowledging the Unsung Heroes in White

In the current fast-changing medical field, innovation and patient care are two things in which doctors play a major role. Apart from the clinical aspects, they also work as teachers, scientists, and promoters of public health. Doctors’ indomitable spirit and


Munchausen Syndrome (Factious disorder imposed on Self)

When we dive into our childhood memories many of us may recall faking being sick to get out of school or homework. Sometimes we just wanted to sit at home and watch television and pretending to be sick was the