Search Results for : psychology

Social Media and SadFishing

The increase in the use of social media has also seen an increase in the amount of information we share through it. Self-disclosure and reciprocity are very important for building a deeper relationship this is true for virtual relationships as


Empty Nest Syndrome

A significant family milestone occurs when a child transitions into adulthood, prompting parents to adjust to their absence. College students and children who live far from their parents often believe their parents struggle with their departure. In reality, parents who


What is the Hawthorne effect?

The Hawthorne effect is an extensively discussed topic in organisational and industrial psychology. The Hawthorne effect refers to when individuals in an experiment perform their assigned tasks effectively and correctly under the supervision of the researcher. For example, if the


Perception: Approaches and Perceptual Organisation 

We often hear our elders saying that “what you see, hear or feel is not always what it seems”. What did they mean by that? There is an interesting mental process, constantly going on that is responsible for shaping our

Industrial Life Style

The Essential Guide to Achieving Work-Life Balance  

In today’s world, everyone struggles between their professional responsibilities and personal lives. People either immerse themselves solely in work, finding it harder to commit to other roles and responsibilities, or they are overly involved in their family and personal lives,


The Asch Conformity Experiment and Its Implications

Social Psychology is a field of psychology that aims to study the behaviour of human beings in a social context. It examines how our behaviour, ideas, feelings, and emotions are affected by the presence of others in an environment. Group


Exploring Heuristics: Understanding Mental Shortcuts

Sadly, humans do not have an 8GB RAM module in their processing system as the computer has, to assess the information quickly, so they need some other way to narrow down the workable solution. The mental shortcut used to draw


What is Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy?

Numerous health conditions may involve the brain, including head injuries, a stroke, dementia, and some forms of cancer, which means that the affected person cannot think or solve problems and, thus, suffer from cognitive impairment. Here CRT comes into play.

Positive Social

Filial Piety: Tradition and Modern Challenges

Filial Piety is an ancient ethical principle drawn from Confucianism. It refers to the expression of fraternal love through the virtues of love, respect and reverence towards elders, specifically parents. This is a widely acknowledged tradition in the East-Asian communities.


Why does no one seem to care about climate change?

The alarming rise in temperatures leading to intense heat waves highlights the urgent need to address climate change. However, general apathy persists due to several factors. The complexity and global nature of climate change can be overwhelming, particularly for populations