Search Results for : sleep

Love or Sex

Marital relationship is not the blood one but it’s even stronger than blood relationship. What makes it so unique? Have you ever thought? Every relationship has its own limitation in one way or another. But marital relationship is the only

Self Help

Anger Inoculation

Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, or the right purpose, and in a right way- it is not easy: Aristotle Let’s face it,

Awareness News

Mental Health Awareness Week-2020 | Psychologs Magazine

Psychologs is celebrating the Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 observed from 18 May to 24 May by organizing an e-conclave throughout the week from 4 to 7 pm every day. The conclave will be conducted through live talk and Q&A

Awareness Health

Impact of Coronavirus on the person who is suffering from Obsession Compulsion disorder.

Impact of Coronavirus on the person who is suffering from OCD. Before the advent of COVID-19, anxiety disorders already copious as one of the most communal mental health problems worldwide. COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by a newly discovered


Heart Broken?

“Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.” –Mineko Iwasaki Heartbroken- misunderstood, separated, broken promises, sleepless nights, tearful eyes, the depths of pain- more, much more- a feeling that exceeds its expression

Education Self Help

The Conscious mind: understandings from the exotic east

Our understanding of the mind is heavily based on western literature. Modern academia raises the question of replicability of the major chunk of research in behavioral sciences, most of which were generalized into a global population-based on University student samples,

Awareness Self Help

Anxiety Management

Do you remember the feeling you experienced right before an important presentation? Or the feeling we experience during an important exam? We all have faced anxiety at some point in our life or the other. It is absolutely normal to


Mental Health of Health Care Professional

MENTAL HEALTH OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL  World Health Organization’s (WHO) defines the concept of health as  ‘health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’, particularly defines mental health


Mindfulness: the Ultimate Wellness Hack

Mindfulness is the art of living fully in the here-and-now, present moment. Mindfulness takes inspiration from Eastern practices and puts a psychological spin to it, to fit the context of the current society. The term ‘Mindfulness’ is used freely now,


Dissociative Identity Disorder in Children

Reena was 6 years old the first time she came to therapy. Her father and stepmother thought she should see a therapist because Reena had recently begun complaining about nightmares and severe body pain (with no physical injury) and had